Church Life,  Tech

Universalism and Social Media

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We are in a time in human history in which the influence and acceptance of Universalism as at an all-time high. The basic idea behind Universalism is that religion as a whole is a human quality that exists in every human being. Thus, regardless of your beliefs and practices, whatever your religion happens to be, it is acceptable and it ought to be embraced with an attitude of inclusiveness.

The basic problem with this viewpoint is that God, although wanting to be all-inclusive (desiring to save all mankind – 1 Tim. 2:3-4), is in reality quite exclusive. God chose Jesus alone to be man’s only way to come to the Father (John 14:6). He chose the church to be the saved, and nobody outside the church (Eph. 5:23, Eph. 1:22-23). He chose the Bible to be authoritative and the only standard by which we can please Him and be ultimately judged (Matt. 4:4; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; John 12:48).

But our culture refuses to follow God’s way. On a regular basis, we are pressured to accept beliefs and practices that defy God and which are directly opposed to Him and His word. We are influenced by peers and multitudes of religious groups to unite in the name of love and to completely disregard God’s commandments in order to do so. The minute we refuse to accommodate their requests we are labeled as unloving, judgmental, and are called modern-day Pharisees.

I have noticed that within the realm of social media this is especially true. Over the past few weeks, I have been invited to participate in events over the holidays that are being touted as the solution to the need for unification and hope. But by the very nature of what is being suggested–in reading the Bible I can clearly see why, that for the sake of my conscience and respecting God’s wishes–I cannot participate.

The devil would love to see people cast the authority of God’s word aside in the name of unity and charity. He would enjoy watching the Lord’s church and its people lose their distinctiveness. He loves universalism. He is the author of it. “Do what you want to do!” “Believe what you want to believe!” “Let’s all have a group hug in the town square!” These are his pleas. And they feel good and they taste good and so they work. And they make everybody else happy and you don’t have to be seen as non-cooperative.

This is why we are where we are. Our nation has no vision and no true leadership that stands for anything morally or ethically. The church has been bombarded with this mentality for so long that many once-Biblical churches are changing their beliefs and practices to accommodate the world and its current social feelings. Individual Christians are becoming soft and their respect for the Bible and their study of the Bible is diminishing. But as long as we are getting along with everyone on Facebook then, apparently, we must have the spirit of God.

It is time that God’s people took a stand for what His word teaches. It may be unpopular in the world and in the community. But we can stand for truth without sacrificing compassion and love to do so. We may not make every event and support every cause. We may be labeled as unloving and intolerant. But those of the church are those who are literally “called out” of the world. It is past time for us to make the distinction between living in the world and being like the world.


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Photo background credit: Rosaura Ochoa on Creative Commons


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