
Upcoming at 9th Avenue

There are three events at the 9th Avenue church of Christ that we want you to be aware of. Please know that you are invited to any or all of these, no matter where you live!

  • First, this Sunday night (September 10), we will host the first Area-Wide Youth Series of 2006-07. The theme this year is “People at the Cross.” The speaker will be Reed Swindle, who works at the Memorial Parkway church of Christ in Huntsville. Last year, we had right at 300 in attendance for this good event. We hope to have somewhere around 350 this year. We will begin at 6 PM with our evening worship service, where Reed with speak. Following, we will have about 20 minutes of singing and then a time of food and fellowship for the young people.
  • Then, on Sunday, October 1, we will have our annual “Friends and Family Day.” Our goal, as it has been for a few years now, it to have 600 in our Sunday morning worship. We can do that if you will help us! We will have Bible classes at 9:30, our worship at 10:30, and then an afternoon meal together. If we can have 600, we are quite sure it would be the largest assembly for worship in the history of our county. Help us reach this goal! We have had 584 before, but have never been able to reach 600. Let’s do it this year, with your help!
  • Finally, I want to begin telling you about our annual Youth Rally, to be held on January 5-6, 2007. Our theme will be “The Christian and the Media.” Mike Johnson of Richmond, Kentucky, will be our speaker and we also have some great class teachers lined up for the weekend. The rally costs nothing to attend and we house you and feed you as well. Put this great weekend on your calendar. Our goal is to have over 200 in attendance. We have come SO close in the past (181), and we are going to exceed our goal–I just know it.

If you need more information on any or all of these great events, please feel free to email us!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.