
Updates and Pictures of the Kids

We have update posts every so often, and I know many of you don’t like them all that much. So, if you will work your way through these updates today, you will be rewarded with pictures of our awesome kids. (Yes, that is shameless bribery!)

First, my friend Michael Whitworth is a new daddy, and he wants to spend time with his newborn son Daniel instead of writing blog posts (what a novel idea). So, he asked 30 of his friends to write posts on their favorite passage from Proverbs. It was my privilege to write one of the posts, and mine is the first to be published. I highly recommend Michael’s blog all the time, but I think you will enjoy this month-long series of posts. You can go to Michael’s Start2Finish blog here, and make sure you subscribe to get all 30 posts.

Next, today is day 1 of our sixth year at Lebanon Road. Yes, we started on April Fool’s Day. I cannot express how much of a blessing this place is to our lives. From day one, the entire congregation has just treated all of us as one of their own. As a husband and dad, it means to much to me that Leah and the kids are just part of the congregation. Sometimes, the preacher’s family is almost a quasi-mini-congregation unto themselves, but the Faughns are just another family here. To all of our Lebanon Road folks who read this blog, thank you and we love you. Here’s to year 6 being our best one yet!

Over the past weekend, Lads to Leaders was held in six different locations. Several young folks from Lebanon Road participated, and they all did a tremendous job! This is just he second year that Lebanon Road has been part of the program, but we are grateful for all the parents who are encouraging their children to be involved. I’m proud of our kids!

Finally, a blog update. If you have been reading our site for some time, you may remember our “Friday Links Roundup,” which then became our monthly links roundup. I have had a few folks ask where those posts went. I know many of you enjoyed them, but frankly I got tired of keeping posts bookmarked just for that links posts. Instead, I made the decision to stop the posts. Now, however, they have been revived…sort of. One of my recent goals is to use Twitter to “add value” for those who follow me there. I am tweeting a few personal things, but have really tried to share content more and more so that those who follow me on Twitter can follow the links to great posts from all over the web. I try to link to 3-5 posts each day. If you do not follow me on Twitter and miss the links roundup, click here to follow.

Okay, okay. You’ve made it through all the news and notes. Here are the pictures of our kids that we promised. They are all from this past weekend.


Turner and Mary Carol got to carry the banner Friday night for our group
Turner and Mary Carol got to carry the banner Friday night for our group

Easter morning
Easter morning


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A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.