Church Life

Vacation Bible School

It’s that time of year again – Vacation Bible School time. I have seen so many advertisements and invitations to join with different congregations as they have their VBS. It is finally time for our congregation to host our VBS. Hours and hours of planning, ordering, cutting out, painting, decorating, and praying have gone into this effort.

It certainly is a busy, and sometimes, stressful time, but it is also a wonderfully important and happy time for those children who attend.

Today’s post will be a short one because much of my time has been spent on the topic for this post – VBS. I hope these thoughts about VBS will help you realize why it is so important.

V –vacation…can you think of a better way of spending part of summer vacation than studying

                 the Bible and learning more about God???

    valuable …not only to the children who attend, but to those who work together as a team to

                   make it all possible.        

    variety…a combination of a variety of skills and talents to make a great VBS.

    visitors…hopefully, lots of children who have never been taught the Bible will visit with your

              congregation and learn a great deal about God and His Word.

    victory… who knows what victory might be won by the teaching of God’s word????

B – Bible… there is no better book to study and no better curriculum than the Bible!! It’s full of

accounts of all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances which would help all people live better lives.

    –balance…studying God’s Word helps us learn how to have balance in our lives.

    –baptism… I wonder how many children have gone on later in their lives to be baptized

into Christ as a result of the foundation laid at VBS???

    –blessed… how many children and teachers finish a week of VBS feeling blessed because of

                  what they have learned and taught?

    –body… how much is the body of Christ strengthened by a time of working together to prepare

                    lessons and then teaching them to children?   

S – school…don’t you think we should spend as much time and effort on Bible education as we

                     do on secular education?

   –sacrifice… there is no better way to sacrifice your time and effort than to help a child learn

          more about the Savior.

   –scriptures… your curriculum is set! You simply need to teach the scriptures which have been breathed

out by God.

   –salvation… what you teach these children may be the first step toward their salvation.

   –servant… this is the heart that every Bible School teacher must have.  In fact, this is the heart          

               that every Christian should have.  VBS shows your servant heart.

“Train up a child in the way he should go…”  Prov. 22:6

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn

Photo background credit: USAG-Humphrey’s on Creative Commons


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