
VBS Final Night

We had a great VBS this year. Last night marked the end of VBS 2008. We celebrated those who brought the most visitors. We also took a moment to thank all those who helped teach, lead crafts, be in skits, and so many other areas. If our calculations are right, over 1/3 of our families were directly involved with leading VBS! That does not include others who brought refreshments, invited and/or brought visitors, and the many who prayed for the effort.
Jeremiah Tatum delivered a great lesson last night as we studied Zacchaeus. All our adult classes were amazing, and those who listened were challenged by the lessons presented.
We ended our week with homemade ice cream (a Lebanon Road tradition). Here are some pictures of that (again, sorry for the quality. My phone doesn’t take good pictures in the dark.).

It is a nice night, and we enjoyed having the ice cream outside in our parking lot. A lot of great fellowship took place…between bites!

Here’s my niece, Lyssabeth. We were glad to have Jeremiah, Amber, and all three of their children with us last night.

We had 290 in attendance last night. For the week, we averaged 280 per night. Every night this year we had more in attendance than the same night last year. In a time when many congregations are questioning whether or not VBS is “worth it,” Lebanon Road is proving that is it!

What a tremendous week. We are already looking forward to 2009, and we hope you’ll make plans to be with us for this effort.


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