VBS Pictures
Here are some pictures of several of our VBS activities.
1. “The Good Samaritan” about to get attacked. (Sorry the quality of the skit pictures is not very good. The room was dark, so this is the best my phone will do.)
2. Our innkeeper, Earl Flynn. After that, the Levite passes right by.
3. Our Tuesday night speaker, brother David Shannon from Mount Juliet, Tennessee.
4. I had a picture of this classroom earlier, but it was not complete. I thought you might like to see the entire treehouse.
5. The nursery is not a baby-sitting service. These teachers do a fantastic job. When we got home last night, Mary Carol was singing the “Wise Man” song and Turner, age 15 months, was doing the motions! Thank you, teachers!!!
6. Some of our classrooms with precious children learning about Jesus. You will also see pictures of our craft room.
One night to go, and we can say our VBS is a great success! Be here tonight for our final night…ice cream night!!!
Tuesday attendance: 265 (30 more than last year on Tuesday)
Wednesday speaker: Jeremiah Tatum (Lawrenceburg, Tennessee)