
Voluntary Manslaughter

Mary Winkler was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter late this afternoon. The prosecution had wanted first-degree murder, but the jury settled on this lesser charge. She faces 3 to 6 years in prison. For an early press release on the story, click here.

This part of the story now past, there are several things that need to be done. One is a lot of prayer. The Fourth Street church of Christ in Selmer, Tennessee, has been through so much because of this case. The Winkler family has faced barrage over the past 13 months, and especially in the courtroom over the past several days. The three precious children have been through untold things over the past few months. All of these are in need of our prayers; deep, fervent prayer.

But we also need to pray for Mary. Seemingly lost in this case was the fact that she was a member of the Lord’s church. Yes she sinned, but she is still a sister in Christ; an erring sister, but a sister nonetheless.

We also need to pray for the Lord’s Church. The case has brought a “black eye” to the church that will take a long time to heal. Let’s spend the next few days, weeks and months constantly building up the church. She needs it.


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