Church Life

We’re All in This Together

To be honest, I’m a little new to this whole thing, you know, the whole, “I’m the one who writes, and you’re the ones who read.” And I’m sure you’re wondering “What’s a fifteen year old girl doing writing this article?” Well, I’ve actually brewed up a topic for this article, believe it or not. The topic in question is our called duty to work as “God’s Army.”

But what does that mean? I’m not in the army, right? Why are God’s people supposed to be an army? Isn’t that violent? As a younger christian I never was able to grasp this idea; the idea that we are a called people to do His will and to bring others to the faith. So, as the true Disney Channel fan I am, I stole this article name from a famous “High School Musical” song: “We’re All in this Together.” 

First Corinthians 3:6-9 says: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.  For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.”

Wow, that’s a lot to take in. Let’s break it down. In verses 6-7 Paul talks of his friend Apollos, a fellow Christian and evangelist, but he also is referring to “watering and planting.” To someone who is not willing to dive deeper into the meaning, this verse is skippable. Why are they planting and watering? We miss the true meaning of this text. The clear example that Paul gives us is that sometimes you don’t have to do all the work! Paul “planted” the information, Apollos “watered.” But who did the real work

Hint: God is always the answer to that question…

Besides, how nice is it to hear that you don’t have to tell someone everything they need to know about being saved. It’s a group effort! But that also means you can’t just kind of do your part. Always, remember that God is the real worker.

Let’s move to the verses 8-9. In this section, Paul goes into further detail about what this means. He points out that each person involved in helping someone else be saved will have their own reward. How cool is it that God will give you a reward, when He does the real work. This makes me think of doing a group project in school and not doing your part, but still getting an “A!” (Um… not that I’d have any experience with that.)

Moving on, in verse 9, I love the metaphor that Paul uses. We are both God’s fellow workers, but also his building. Which means that we are that army you hear about. Not violent, but unrelenting. No pressure, right? But listen to this, “…you are God’s building.” This means that you are the foundation of the church today! How amazing of an honor. We should acknowledge the task that has been given to us, and keep the reminder that we are all God’s workers, working together for the purpose to get to Heaven.

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Author: Lyssa Tatum


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