Church Life,  Tech

What I Know About You from Social Media

Dear Christian Facebook Friend,

I was scrolling through your social media pages today. I wasn’t stalking; I just wanted to see what you shared with the world and learn more about you. (After all, we’re “friends,” right?)

As I scrolled, I learned…

…how you feel about masks during the pandemic.

…how you feel about the President.

…what you think about the Republicans and Democrats in this election year.

…what your opinion is on reopening schools.

…what your dog looks like.

…what your reaction is to the racial protests across our nation.

…that you took on a yard project last week (and it looks great, by the way).

…how you are gearing up for more sports to be back, but are wary of if it is going to work or not.

…that you like memes about the coin shortage.

…your opinion on masks…again.

…how much you love your spouse.

…where you wish you were traveling to on vacation.

…how much you wish people showed appreciation to your line of work.

…the hairdo you had in high school.

…how much you enjoy sunsets.

…what band best describes your personality.

…when your birthday is.

…that you need help deciding on a paint color for your teenage boy’s room (I like the blue you picked out).

…your frustration with masks…again.

I feel like I know so much about you. But there was one thing I really wanted to learn and, while I scrolled for a long time, I never found the answer.

How do I get to heaven?

“…but one thing is necessary…” (Luke 10:42)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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