Church Life

What I Saw on Super Bowl Sunday Night

Each year, I find myself wondering how to act and what to say leading up to–and on–Super Bowl Sunday. Every congregation I have ever worked for has, thankfully and rightly, not moved or canceled services just for a ball game. But I also brace myself for lower attendance numbers and for the inevitable stream of social media posts by members of the church who are watching the game instead of being at worship, despite reminders to assemble (Hebrews 10:25) and follow the leadership of elders (Hebrews 13:7).

Yes, that part is disheartening. Very disheartening.

But there is another angle and, this year, I really tried to see some other things. So, from about 5PM until late in the evening, I tried to keep my eyes open for things that were truly encouraging. And what a difference it made to look at things that way!

May I share some of what I saw?

I saw elders, deacons, and preachers meeting and discussing the work of the church with no mention whatsoever of “the game,” but with a focus on souls and striving to do God’s will.

I saw a lady volunteer time to help young ladies work on writing speeches for Lads to Leaders.

I saw well over 100 people assemble to worship God and do so with joy-filled hearts, a number that was not very “down” from other Sunday nights at all.

I saw a young man–still in high school–lead singing when many other young men were being taught by their parents that it was okay to miss services.

I saw people stand around talking before and after services about their love for each other, their interest in each other’s lives, and things they had been touched by during the day of worship. (This included, by the way, one who is a fan of a team in the game, but he knew what should come first, and stayed afterward visiting for a long while.)

I saw a youth group have a devotional period after worship, and a good number of young people be present, enjoying each other’s company and showing what is truly first in their lives.

I saw adults provide a meal and a lesson for these young people, giving of their time and money to encourage these precious young souls in their spiritual growth.

Now…were there some discouraging things last Sunday night? Oh, of course. I saw plenty of those, too. (Sometimes, social media can be a drag on an otherwise uplifting day!)

But all the things listed above–and more–show that there are still plenty of Christians who have their priorities in the right place, no matter what else might be going on.

For all they helped me see, I am grateful.

“You shall have no other gods before Me.” (Exodus 20:3)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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