What I’ve Learned About Myself While I’ve Been Quarantined

This has been one of the most interesting (and often unpleasant) times in my life. I have no memory of ever living through a pandemic. From what the news says, maybe I have and just didn’t know it because we weren’t directed to “shelter in place” like we have been for the last four to five weeks.
I’ve learned some things about myself and thought they might be interesting to share. You might like to make a list of your own. When these restrictions are lifted, I plan to look at my list on occasion to see how well I am doing with remembering what I learned.
Here are just five of the things from my list:
- I have been very spoiled. I hadn’t given much thought to the ease with which I could do most things. I also had not realized how difficult life is for those who are dependent from week to week on a paycheck, and suddenly are without it. Mundane activities like grocery shopping, haircuts, manicures, and many other activities now seem so much more important than they did a month ago.
- I have enjoyed having more leisure time. I’m very often pinched for time to get everything done at home and for upcoming engagements. I have had plenty of time to study my Bible and write lessons for classes. There has been time to read for pleasure those books that used to gather dust because I just didn’t have time to read them. And we have never been so organized! We have clean closets, cabinets and drawers!
- I really do like to plan meals and cook. I have really just gotten back in touch with loving to cook like I did when our children were living at home. I think lots of couples will agree that one of the perks of being empty nesters is that you don’t have to cook quite as much as you used to. We formed a habit of eating out by using the excuse that it was just easier than cooking for two. How wrong we were. I have cooked and served some good meals and enjoyed doing it. I want to remember that sense of satisfaction I have gotten from working in my kitchen.
- I have become more thankful for technology. I’m usually a little technologically challenged, but even I have learned to order my groceries online and go pick them up! It has been so encouraging to watch the creative ways that our preachers and elders have worked to bring us together online for worship services and classes so that we can still enjoy offering our worship to God and feel a sense of being together.
- I have found out just how much my church family means to me. I pray that I will never again take them for granted. I also pray that I never go through another time we cannot meet together and worship God. The acts of worship – singing, praying, listening to God’s word being taught, partaking of the Lord’s Supper and giving of our means – will mean so much more when I can share them with my brothers and sisters. I have been blessed on most Sundays to be with other physical family members during worship, but I am longing for the day that I can worship with all of my spiritual family at our local congregation.
“…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn