Church Life,  Tech

What Will We Talk About Now?

I am writing this on Election Day 2020. Scanning social media just before I started writing, I saw post after post after post about the election (I even wrote one). It’s been that way for weeks, if not months.

Additionally, there have been a slew of posts about the virus, and, in fits and starts, about social justice and unrest.

If you were to think back for, say, the last 6 months, wouldn’t you agree that those topics have utterly dominated your social media timeline, as well as, likely, your face-to-face conversations?

And, that’s fine. They are all huge stories and have vast importance to our personal lives as well as to the well-being of our nation. Christians need to consider these issues and have a Biblical basis for anything we might want to say concerning them.

But now, one of those is over. The election is done; there’s no more trying to convince people to vote for this person or against that one. (And, one of these days, we’ll know who won this election.)

So, what will we talk about now?

Will we go back to coronavirus and social unrest over and over and over? Will we fill our timelines and conversations with football updates and the latest from the world of other sports?

Or will we fill our timelines and conversations with words about Jesus?

Don’t you think it’s past time we flooded social media, as well as our personal conversations, with evangelistic words? Biblical words? Words of salvation and hope and grace?

And maybe it’s time we did that…and didn’t let anything else cause us to get distracted from it as our primary discussion. After all, as important as other things are, they are not eternal. Let’s give people the words of eternal life.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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