Church Life

What’s the Emblem on Your Flag?

I was reminded recently about the recipe for rabbit stew. Step 1 – “Catch the rabbit.” Seems a simple thing but we often have things out of order when it comes to what we are fixing. We want God in our lives. We want Him to bless us. We want to be happy and joyful and we want peace of mind. We want fulfillment today and the expectation of better things for tomorrow. But we have forgotten the biggest part of the equation. We have forgotten the number one ingredient. We have forgotten to exalt above all other things none other than the One who bled and died for us.

When I was a kid there was a song we sang in Vacation Bible School with the following lyrics:

“There is a flag that’s flown from the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart, from the caste of my heart;

There is a flag that’s flown from the castle of my heart, and the King is in residence there.

So lift it high in the sky that the whole world know, let the whole world know, let the whole world know;

So lift it high in the sky, let the whole world know, that the King is in residence there!”

People raise flags to announce something. It describes their sense of belonging and commitment. It’s a banner. It’s a statement. The emblem of the flag tells all who see it flying that our heart is set on something. And for that something, that very something which the emblem represents, we are willing to pledge and fight and give our all.

Think for a moment about different people you know. Think about their flag. What would be on it? For some, it might be a dollar sign. For others maybe a hobby would be represented on their flag. Maybe someone you know would have a place or even a person as the emblem on their flag. And what about you? What would your flag look like? What flag have you raised?

I like the idea of there being a flag that is flown from the castle of my heart. I also know that for me to experience joy and fulfillment the emblem on that flag can only be one thing. It must be Jesus. After all, he is the one who was already lifted up on the cross for me. And he is the one who is currently lifted up on the throne interceding for me. Furthermore, he is the one who will be lifted up high above the heavens in judgment to decide about me. He must be the emblem on my flag. He is priority number one. He is the theme of my song, the object of my worship, and the inspiration of my life.

I understand now why we sang that song at VBS. It was because grown-ups know that in order for their children to be successful God must come first. I was being taught early on to exalt Christ and His church in my life. Funny how something that seems so simple for a child to do can often be fairly challenging for us as adults. If we are being perfectly honest, we would admit that we fly various flags at different times throughout our lifetime…when in fact, only one emblem and one flag is ever needed.

The word of God states clearly that Jesus is preeminent. He was preeminent in creation. He was preeminent in the world. He is preeminent in the church. He is preeminent in eternity. But the question is, “Is He preeminent in me?” He has to come first. He has to be the emblem on my flag. He must be exalted. He must be lifted up from the castle of our heart.

I mean because really, how can we ever make rabbit stew before we ever catch the rabbit?

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all peoples unto Myself” – John 12:32

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AUTHOR: Jeremiah Tatum


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