Church Life,  Family

“When All This is Over”

Since about March 2020, I have heard that phrase–or similar things–said an untold number of times. Typically, of course, it has referred to the restrictions and unease caused by the coronavirus. People have talked about finally going on a vacation, churches have talked about restarting certain events, and organizations have talked about planning their big get-togethers “when all this is over.”

But it keeps dragging on…

…so we keep saying it.

That said, I want to use that phrase to ask one simple question. I pray it causes all of us to think. I know it has caused me to do a lot of thinking over the last few weeks and months.

When all the restrictions are finally lifted…

When there are no more online feuds over masks and vaccines…

When elders no longer have to make decisions about canceling services or events…

When your family no longer has to look at covid “heat maps” to think about vacation spots…

When there are not daily headlines screaming the latest horrible news about the virus…

…what if that day never comes, because Jesus has already returned?

Will I have spent my life consumed by fear of a virus, or will I have spent it teaching others, reaching out to the lost, teaching my family the Bible, helping the poor and those in need, and doing all I can to shine His glory into this world?

I am not suggesting that we live recklessly or that we do not care at all for physical health. Christians have hearts of compassion, after all! But, I am saying that far too many of God’s people have spent 17 months–and will just keep spending an untold amount of more time–concerned more about a virus and their own physical health than about lost souls and eternal matters. (If you don’t believe me, you haven’t been reading what is shared on social media. Compare the mountain of “wear your mask” vs. “masks don’t work” articles shared by Christians with how much is shared about the Lord and good spiritual things being done by churches.)

I simply cannot let this virus control the rest of my life–whether that ends up being mere hours or several decades. I must let the Lord control my life if I am to be called “His.” I’ll wear a mask if I am told to, but I will not be muzzled from speaking about Jesus! You may or may not choose to get a vaccine, but I pray you hear more from me about the gospel than about my thoughts on a shot!

When ALL this, not just the virus, is over, what will matter is if I have spent my life honoring Him. Have I?

Am I?

AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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