
Why Believe What They Say?

Lying has, sadly, become a part of our everyday language. Nearly anything someone says has to be examined, and the listener has to wonder if the speaker is really telling the truth.

One area in which this is seen all too often is in sports. College coaches tell their recruits and current players they’ll be around for a long time–usually as long as that recruit is going to be at the school–and then, in a few months, the coach bolts for more money or a more “high-profile” job.

This week it has happened again. Tubby Smith left the University of Kentucky to go to the University of Minnesota. As one who likes UK, and has family members who love Wildcat basketball, this is not an article attacking Coach Smith. While he may not have had the record fans wanted, he did a lot of good for the school.

Sadly, though, just a few hours after losing to Kansas in the NCAA Tournament, Tubby Smith told reporters he wanted to stay in Lexington. Four days later, he was gone. Just last week, the athletic director of UK said, “Tubby’s our coach.” One wonders if, a week later, that same AD told Tubby to move on to avoid the embarrassment of being fired.

Some have said that the nature of coaching today almost forces these men and women to lie. If that is the case, then we need to change the “nature of coaching!” There should be nothing that forces someone to lie. Tubby Smith may have been telling the truth on Sunday night, and then the circumstances changed. I doubt it, though. He knew all too well that he was in very hot water. It’s hard for me to believe that he honestly thought he would be around Lexington for a long time and then, four days later, all that changed.

Coaches, these young men and women deserve the truth. If you are thinking of moving, they need to know! NCAA, the rules need to be changed. Tubby will coach next season at UM, but, if one of his players decides to transfer so he can continue to play for Coach Smith, the player will have to sit out a year. Fair? Totally unfair.

But, far more importantly, we all need to learn to tell the truth no matter what. Can you imagine what would happen if one of these coaches actually said he/she was thinking of leavi….

….it has happened! Ernie Kent, coach of the Oregon Ducks men’s team, told reporters that he was interested in the open job at Michigan. He was crushed in the media. Why? The man told the truth!!! While, in the minds of many, it might have not been the best move from a basketball standpoint, it was the truth. I’m thankful someone was willing to say something like that.

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