Church Life,  Family

Why Is There Such Evil in the World?

The tragedy in Las Vegas this weekend has once again reminded us of the state of our world. So much evil exists, and so much innocent loss of life happens for no reason. One thing that I see people doing with every new difficult episode – is this continuous attempt to be able to wrap their minds around why all of these things are happening.

Why is our country so divided? Why so much hatred and strife? Why all the mass shootings across the globe? Why the constant threats of war and terror? Why does God allow for the world to continue with all that is going on?

I want to tell you that there is no easy answer. We can’t blame anyone or any movement in particular. Taking sides morally, religiously, or politically is not going to provide you with the peace you are seeking. As long as we are in the world we are going to experience tribulation, and only through Jesus, who has overcome, can we overcome (John 16:33).

Evil exists because of what happened in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:17). Satan came with evil intentions and he deceived the human race. His deception brought sin and death to the universe (Rom. 6:23). There is never going to be a time as long as the earth remains where evil won’t dominate our world. John wrote, “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). He simply was pointing out that God’s people are in the minority while Satan is deceiving and having success with the majority.

So why did this happen in Las Vegas? Why does anything evil in our world happen? We need to stop blaming a group or a cause or a sickness and we need to realize that the reason has everything to do with the devil and with us.

While it is difficult sometimes to understand how God allows for the pain and suffering, perhaps the words from Jeremiah best explain the reason why such evil persists. He was addressing a people who were supposed to belong to God but who had rejected Him and thus were met with the consequences of that choice – “Your own conduct and actions have brought this on you. This is your punishment. How bitter it is! How it pierces to the heart!” (Jeremiah 4:18).

I see and hear people broken hearted about all of this evil and I feel what they feel. To be honest, all I care about right now is the state of the people who hurt. Natural disasters happen and people die. Politics and war occur and hatred persists and people are the collateral damage. Terror strikes and innocent individuals are murdered in senseless fashion. How should we respond? We begin by realizing it’s about the people who are hurting and not about the cause.

I think each person needs to stop and pray. Each person needs to repent and turn to God. Each person needs to forgive the ones who cause them pain and not retaliate. Each person needs to love God more and the human race more. Each person needs to have compassion for and assist those who are hurting. Each person needs to follow the higher will and rule of the Creator rather than their own selfish, mistaken, human will.

I believe we are all very tired. We are just so very tired of waking up in a world of hatred and evil and sin and death. So if we do wake up tomorrow, let’s decide that we are going to be a part of the solution. Let’s love each other. Let’s share our possessions and gifts and accept one another and seek to work on ourselves. Let’s find a place in our heart to be kind in the midst of all of the hate.

If we don’t wake up tomorrow, let us live in such a way today that heaven will most surely be on the horizon. Our hope is not here. Our hope is in the One who came to deliver us from the world of sin and death. All of this evil reminds us that this world is NOT our home because Jesus is preparing something that is far better. And we anticipate His return with joy exceeding and full of glory.

“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” – Revelation 22:20

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AUTHOR: Jeremiah Tatum


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