Why We All Go (Why Our Whole Family Goes to FHU and PTP)

Last week, our little family of four enjoyed the Freed-Hardeman Bible lectures. We have been blessed to attend as a family since our oldest was less than a year old. (She thought it was great that she is 14, but that this was her 15th lectureship!)
In a few months, Lord willing, all four of us will head to Sevierville, Tennessee for Polishing the Pulpit. Again, we have been blessed to attend this event for about a decade as a family.
In between, there will be Lads to Leaders, at least one youth rally, and several other events we will attend as a family.
But I want to go back to the FHU lectures and PTP specifically. Each time we go, I see some of my fellow preachers leaving sessions and going out to dinners with other preachers. They might even take part of a day and play a round of golf or just go out for coffee together. Sometimes, it’s even a large group of preachers who go.
I remember a few years ago at Polishing the Pulpit getting in my car to take my family for supper. We got in our SUV and I looked up. Right in front of where we were parked, four preachers (a couple of whom are dear friends) piled into a little sports car, put the top down, and headed out. A couple of them even put on ball caps. They just were care-free and, I’m assuming, heading out for a fun dinner.
I have to admit, for just a second, I was jealous. I mean, here they were, just enjoying being away from their work and being around other preachers and heading out to have fun. And here I was, piling into my SUV with a couple of (at the time) preteens who were getting cranky as the day was winding down and headed to a dinner where we’d be trying to keep the cost as low as possible. (“Don’t forget, kids, order water!”)
But, within about two seconds, I stopped being jealous, and I’ve never forgotten why.
It is why we all go to things like Freed-Hardeman’s lectureship. It is why we make an effort (and go to the expense) of all four of us going to Polishing the Pulpit. It is why all four of us will be going to a youth rally and other events throughout the year.
It’s why, when the other preachers are headed to dinners or golf games or coffee, I’m happy for them, but not jealous in the least.
Here’s what happened: after my eyes caught that group of preachers headed out, I glanced around my car. My eyes noticed those of my wife, who was deep in thought over something she had just learned, and she was smiling because her soul had been enriched by a lesson. Then, I looked back and saw those two precious children. They were tired, but so excited because they had been around other kids who love God and they had learned Bible lessons and sung songs and played games together, and they were thrilled that they were going to get to do more of the same the next day.
Why do we all go? Because it’s not just about me growing as a preacher. I have the privilege of getting a front-row seat to watching my wife and children grow in the Lord, too! When the week is done, and our car heads back toward Western Kentucky, I see the spiritual growth in them. I know I will be blessed by my wife’s spiritual growth. I know my children will be better equipped in their walk with the Lord. And I know that I will be the one who continues to reap the blessings of that, not just in sermon material, but in everyday living.
That’s why we all go.
Preachers, if your wife and/or kids cannot go with you, you still go. Enjoy those times, and enjoy those outings with your buddies. That’s a grand blessing and I hope you enjoy making tons of memories!
But if they can go, please make the effort in money and planning to go as a family. It will enrich your life more than you can imagine. The Arby’s meals for four are worth far more than a steak dinner for one! (Just don’t forget to order water.)
(Happy Valentine’s Day, Leah. Thank you for always showing me what it means to love spiritual growth.)
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn