Will There Be Squeals in Heaven?

I remember attending a youth rally years ago and hearing what sounded to me like a squeal. It happened as various groups were arriving from different locations. The mother of the “squealer” described it to me as a scream, but it sounded more like a squeal to me.
Here is a little of the “back story” of the noise (however it is best described).
Sometime ago, a preacher moved from one location to another. While there is nothing especially unusual about that, there was something unique about this particular move.
The move separated his daughter from another young lady who had been her very best friend in the previous location. The mother of the young lady who was still living in the previous location of the preacher and his family told me that her daughter had been grieving ever since the move was made.
Her daughter had no idea that her friend would be at the youth rally. The other young lady also was “in the dark” about the fact that her friend would be at the event.
The squeal/scream occurred when the girl who “had been left behind” saw her friend. She was so overjoyed by the experience that she couldn’t contain her enthusiasm.
There were hugs and tears. There were even tears shed by people who did not know either one of the two girls. They did not know “the story.” All they knew was that something special was happening.
That experience makes me wonder if there will be squeals in heaven.
I’m not asking if people will be surprised that others are there. I’m just wondering if people who have been separated by geography, illness, or death will be so excited that they cannot contain their excitement about being reunited with those who have been very close to them.
The squeal and its implications have given me even more motivation to live so that I can be part of that great reunion. That reunion will not last for a few hours as was the case for these two girls. It will last throughout eternity. The Bible teaches me that I can be with the redeemed of all the ages forever.
Even more important than that is the fact that I can be with the Redeemer forever. The fact that I can live with Him should be my greatest motivation to live for Him.
At the same time, it is comforting to know that, as something I read once informs us:
Christians never have to say, “Good-bye. We just say, “So long for now.”
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn