You Must Use Words!
Francis of Assisi is famous for many statements and writings. Among them is this famous quotation:
“Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.”
Now, I fully understand the sentiment behind that quotation. I have heard many Christians trumpet it over and over. I have even written on this blog about making sure our actions are God-honoring.
However, Assisi’s quotation goes too far. There simply is no way to preach the Gospel without using words! People can see our good works, and can glorify God (cf. Matthew 5:16). But no one can learn how to respond to that without our teaching, which includes either spoken or written words.
The Bible makes it clear that we are live right, but it also has a message that must be proclaimed so that people will know what they are to do to honor, follow, and be with God.
There simply is no way around it. Make sure your life matches your message, but be sure you have a message!
One Comment
I like what Samuel Shoemaker wrote: “A good life can testify to the belief in some kind of Higher Power… I do not know any mere example that can quite tell people that we believe God spoke in Christ to all men forever, or that Christ is His incarnate Son, or that the cross saves you and me from sin, or that the Resurrection is the crowning article of faith for us Christians.” (Extraordinary Living for Ordinary Men, p. 71)