You Are Invited
Tomorrow night at Lebanon Road (July 1), we are going to have a very special Wednesday evening service. From 7:00-8:00, we are going to spend most of our time in prayer. After a brief devotional period, there will be a series of prayers for our nation. The class I am privileged to teach on Sunday mornings is in charge of this service.
Near the beginning of the year, we began watching the DVD series The Silencing of God from Apologetics Press. That series sparked the idea for a “follow-up” project to be led by the class, and this service is it. We were reminded through our study and discussions of how the influence of the Bible is slowly but (very) surely being removed from American culture. We were saddened to study this, but we also believe in prayer. We know that tomorrow night’s service is going to be a night that can change things.
We hope many will come for the service. We will be praying
2. for our military,
3. for our President and Congress,
4. for our court system,
5. for our state and local leaders,
6. for our economy,
7. for our families, and
8. for our church family.
As you can see, these areas cover so much of what we love and the things we hold dear in this nation. Capable men are preparing their prayers so that the words are exactly as needed for the service.
Everyone is invited to come, and we truly think there will be several visitors since this is a subject on the hearts of many. We hope you will be among those visitors!