
Your Input is Needed

On Monday, February 26th, I will be addressing an area preachers’ meeting. I am excited about the opportunity, but I am nervous about the assignment.

I have been asked to address the basic topic of “Building a Preacher’s Library.” Specifically, I have been asked to give some practical suggestions (which I think I can do) of how to build a decent library on a budget…and not Bill Gates’s budget, either!

Now, here’s where I am looking for your help. I have also been asked to lead a discussion dealing with books every preacher should own and, if time allows, books every young preacher should own. I have a very short list started in my head, but I would like your input.

I am hoping to have a list prepared for the meeting that will be comprehensive but also not over-the-top expensive.

Here’s what I’m asking for. Please leave a comment listing a book (or books, but list no more than 5) that you bought (or that was given to you) at or near the beginning of your ministry that you still refer to often. Please do not list the Bible as, hopefully, that is a given!

I appreciate any help you can give. I love books and I love building a library. Just because I have certain books in my office, though, doesn’t mean that I have the best.

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