The Three-Soul Index Card Challenge at Lebanon Road
This coming Sunday, October 3, we will have our Mission Sunday (the conclusion of our mission weekend) at Lebanon Road. All 8 of our supported missionaries will be with us and giving presentations throughout the morning in worship and Bible classes.
Since our minds are focused on this, I am preaching a “mini-series” on the Great Commission. I preached last Sunday on how to follow this command even though we are busy. My plan is to preach a “follow-up” sermon on the morning of the 10th.
On that date as well, we have the end of a two-week challenge that I gave last Sunday. It is nothing new with me, but several have said it has already opened their eyes, so I thought I’d share it with you.

Near the end of my sermon, several of our men handed out index cards to every person in the building (really high tech, I know). Everyone was then reminded that, over the course of the next two weeks, we would all come in contact with hundreds (if not thousands) of people. While that can seem overwhelming, that’s where the cards come into play.
Every person was asked to write down the names of just three people. That’s right, just three! Then, I gave a two-part challenge.
PART 1: Every day for the next two weeks, we are to pray for each person on our card. I challenged each of us to pray specifically and fervently for each person. If they are lost, pray about that. If they are an erring Christian, pray about it. And, we are to pray that God will open a door of opportunity for us to speak to that person about the Him in those two weeks.
PART 2: Each of us is to walk through those open doors when God provides them. I am a firm believer that, when we pray for an open door with fervency, God will provide it. The only question is, will we walk through it? That’s the challenging part for many of us. But, with just three people, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
My prayer is that this “challenge” is being taken seriously. I am keeping my card in my shirt pocket at all times, so I can pull it out and say prayers for each person on the list whenever I get the chance. So far, a door hasn’t opened, but I know it will.
Around 275 cards were given out Sunday morning (our attendance was 319, but some visitors and smaller children didn’t want a card; which is fine). If each person did, in fact, write down three names, that would be 725 doors that I know our God will open in these two weeks. Will you pray that we, as His people, have the courage to walk through those doors?
