
Equip Network Week Post #4: What Does the Future Hold?

This week, we have taken the time to share The Equip Network (TEN) with you. On Tuesday, we looked at the brief but amazing history of this family of podcasts. On Wednesday, we shared the three “flagship” programs with you. Thursday, we told you about the other three programs that have been available from the time of the launch.

But what does the future hold? Will it be just these six programs?

Absolutely not! There has already been an amazing number of listeners to the six programs, but there has also been a significant number of show ideas submitted. While not every one of these will eventually become a podcast, several will.

In about one week, in fact, a 7th program will join TEN. Behind the Pulpit will be a program dealing with the technical aspects of preaching. This weekly program will help preachers with their preparation and delivery as they preach. Wayne Roberts and Bob Turner will host this program, set to launch Friday, October 1. You can read more about that program here.

Once Behind the Pulpit comes “live,” there are other shows in the idea stage that will join in the coming weeks and months. Speaking with the founders, I can assure that programs will cover a wide range of topics, but that they have the goal of each show being distinct, and avoiding two shows being too similar.

So, what’s coming? Here are some ideas that should be launching in the coming months, but I do not know the show names yet. There will be a comedy show, with clean humor based on things that happen in church and in our daily lives. There will be a program for missionaries, where they can encourage one another as they serve all over the world. Programs are also being developed that will deal with the family, with Christian ladies, and with restoration history. No doubt other programs will be developed in the future.

I hope you will pray for The Equip Network. It is a site that is dedicated to using technology to God’s glory. Listen to the programs that interest you, and be encouraged by each show. Keep up with the website, and be on the lookout for new programs as they are developed.

As in all things, may God be glorified by the efforts of The Equip Network!


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