Church Life,  Family

Kids Say the Truest Things

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Those of us “of a certain age” remember when Art Linkletter had a television program based on the idea that children often say some very funny things. The program was very entertaining and it lasted a number of years.

It is, indeed, true that children often say some very, very funny things. It is also true that, often, children say some things that are very honest and true.

That point was driven home to me a number of years ago when our children were still at home. During one of our family vacations, we spent some time at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois. 

As we viewed some of the exhibits, we notice that there was one exhibit along one of the walls that seemed to be attracting a sizable number of people. When we made our way to this exhibit, we found that the title of the exhibit was Prenatal Development

Along this wall, there were forty different examples of the various stages of development that all of us went through prior to our mothers giving birth to us. The “examples” were not pictures or models. Instead, they came from pregnancies that had been (according to the museum) naturally terminated. 

Each display gave information about the development of human beings. Those who were responsible for providing the information informed those of us who were reading the information that there was a stage in the development when it was proper to stop using the term embryo and start using the term fetus

I noticed that there was one term which was conspicuously absent from the displays. Although the “experts” did not provide that term for us, a young boy looking at the exhibit did.

This young man looked to be about eight or nine years old. As he and his grandfather made their way down the line, I heard the word that the scientists and educators were unwilling to use.

The boy looked up as the man and said, “Grandpa, I feel sorry for these babies.”

To his credit, the young man instinctively understood something that many so-called educated people in our society refuse to admit. Even in the mother’s womb, a human life is a baby. Many may want to use “scientific” and “technical” terms to deny this fact, but one young man was not fooled. 

When I heard this young man make this statement to his grandfather, I immediately thought of the Holy Spirit described John, the forerunner of our Lord, prior to his birth:

And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb (Luke 1:41).

Yes, it is true; sometimes kids do say the truest things.


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Photo background credit: Gerardo Villalobos on Creative Commons


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