Family,  Parenting

Training Your Children for Worship 1: A Devotional on Worship {Free Printable}

In our latest podcast, Leah and I talked about the importance of training our children for worship. Also in that podcast, we mentioned how we are going to be sharing some posts and printables to help you do that. We have settled on four posts–to be released on Wednesdays–and today is the first in those posts.

The importance of a family discussing things in the home cannot be overstated. Through family devotionals, a family can gain a great deal of closeness and can focus more clearly on connecting with God. These times are also wonderful training grounds to discuss areas in which we want our children to grow. (By the way, if you are new to the idea of a family devotional, here is a post I wrote over four years ago that will help you focus on what to be doing.)

So, for the first two posts in this series (today and next Wednesday), we are going to share brief devotional guides to help you focus your family on worship. The first is a simple printable that gives you an outline of a short devotional on worship in general. The devotional is not meant to last more than about 10 minutes, but has a lot of questions, to help your children be involved in the learning process.

We have also included a song to sing at both the beginning and end called “We Will Glorify.” If you happen to be unfamiliar with this song, you can find it here and learn it ahead of time. It is a simple song, and one that will help focus your minds on what worship really means.

We hope you enjoy this first printable, and we’ll be back next Wednesday with a great set of guides to help you with more family devotionals!

(Click on the picture and a new tab will open with the printable, ready for you to use!)

worship guide 2

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