
15 Things It’s Not Too Late to Do in 2010

Time is finite. We are only given so much time in a day, and only our Lord knows how many days we have on this earth. We often hear stories, read books, or watch movies about what people say they would do if they “knew” they only had a certain amount of time left to live on this earth. Sometimes, those stories make us think of the same scenario.

I want to think of something different today. While I know we are not promised any more days, it is not sinful to consider our future, so long as we do so within the realm of the Lord’s will for our lives. With that in mind, we know that 2010 is almost done. We can basically count the hours that remain in this year.

Some of you had lofty goals that were not reached. Others had difficulties through which you struggled, or relationships that were strained. Maybe you have thought, “If I can just get to 2011, I’ll work on that again.” Don’t wait that long! While there may not be much time left in 2010, there is time to do a lot.

What can you do in what remains of 2010? Here are 15 things it’s not too late to do:

1. Say “I love you” to someone who needs to hear those words.

2. Pray for wisdom.

3. Perform a random act of kindness.

4. Meet with the saints (it is Wednesday, after all!)

5. Take a meal to someone who is shut in.

6. Call, write, or email one who is hurting.

7. Extend a hand of friendship to a new neighbor.

8. Make the first move in repairing a hurt relationship.

9. Reflect on the cross of Jesus.

10. Surprise your family with a gift, meal, or just some extra time.

11. Refuse to give in to a temptation that has plagued your year (alcohol, pornography, wrath, etc.).

12. Send a message to an old friend.

13. Encourage a missionary via email, Twitter or Facebook.

14. Set a time for a Bible study with a friend, neighbor, or coworker.

15. Become a Christian! (As long as you are living, it’s never too late to do that!)


What would you add?


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