3-Minute Book Review

Recently, I started doing something on YouTube that you might enjoy. If you enjoy reading, I hope you will take the time to check out my video series called the “3-Minute Book Review.”
The title is exactly what these videos contain. In each episode, I take about 3 minutes and simply talk about a book that I believe a good number of people will find interesting. That’s it.
The book reviews have two purposes:
First, of course, is to encourage you in your search for materials you might want to read or to buy as gifts. I do not claim to be an expert on every type of book, but I enjoy sharing books that have helped me in some way. By limiting these to just 3 minutes, though, you aren’t overwhelmed with information.
Second, there is a running joke on the videos that they are designed to help “send my kids to college.” The serious part of that is that, in the description of each video, there is a link to Amazon where you can buy the book. But even if you don’t buy the book, just by clicking the link and buying anything on Amazon, you are helping us out. This is not meant to be a second income, but a little “mad money” never hurts!
What Can You Do?
There are four things you can do to help us as we start this fun venture.
View the Videos. Currently, three episodes are up, and a fourth should be on its way today. We have plenty more planned, and we hope to do a ton more. You can find the full playlist here.
Subscribe to the YouTube Channel. If you use YouTube at all, you have seen that red “subscribe” button. Please click it, so that all the videos are sent to you automatically. There are thresholds of subscriber numbers that, if we can reach them, will open more doors to us of things we can do with our videos.
Spread the Word. Take a moment and email a video to someone or share this information on Facebook or Twitter. Word of mouth still matters!
Click the Links. Help send our kids to college! Seriously, just clicking the link to do the shopping you would normally do on Amazon may only earn us a dime or two, but it’s a nice “thank you,” as well.
We hope you enjoy the 3-Minute Book Review, and we hope to keep it going for a long time to come!
AUTHOR: Adam Faughn