
3 Reasons I Love Writing

It may come as a surprise, coming from someone who writes thousands of words every week, but I used to despise writing. Maybe it was because the writing was always in “assignment” form, and I didn’t get to select the themes or topics often, but I just didn’t enjoy it.


Now, though, all that is different. I think blogging has really set this part of my life free. While I do not consider myself a true author (I like to refer to this part of my life as being a “materialer;” someone who makes material), I love the process. For a natural introvert, blogging and writing are a perfect way to express thoughts and feelings, and this outlet just keeps becoming something I enjoy more and more.

In a typical week, I will write:

  • 2 sermons, and, yes, I write out my entire sermons in full-sentence outlines. These average about 3000 words each.
  • Notes for Bible class. I do not write these out word-for-word, but usually end up “penning” quite a few notes.
  • A bulletin article. Though brief, it still takes the discipline of writing.
  • 3 or 4 blog posts, which I try to keep to around 400-600 words each.

In addition, I am sometimes asked to write for other publications, but the above list is a fairly typical week of writing.

I also really enjoy writing books and eBooks. Again, I do not consider myself a “author,” per se, but I love putting material out there for people to use, and I do feel as if God has blessed me with the talent to do that. Whether a lot of people buy the books or not, I enjoy the study and the discipline of working in “long format” writing.

Why? Here are 3 reasons.

1. It forces me to study and think. Writing is permanent. Once it is published, it is “out there,” so the writer must be certain about his/her words. That really forces the writer to study and consider carefully what is written. As a person who likes to think, I actually enjoy this. Still, that study and thinking can be expressed in my writing style, but it had better be (1) what I really think, and (2) correct, because it will be seen by others.

2. It will long outlive me. No matter how long I may live, the words I have in print will be around as long as someone is willing to read them. That is a great feeling. My “love language” is acts of service, and this fits that “language” perfectly, because I can know that my words will be serving people long after I am gone.

3. It can reach people I will never personally reach. Each Sunday, I preach to 300+ folks. I will interact with several more throughout the week in my neighborhood and elsewhere. But by writing, the audience is magnified in a way that is only limited by a few factors. In a typical week, hundreds will come to this site to read posts, and a handful more will purchase a book or will read one they have already purchased. We have blog subscribers in several countries around the world. There is no way I could have the time or physical ability to reach all those people in person, especially in such a short period of time. But writing makes that possible.

There are other reasons, of course, but as I write this post, these three are on my mind.

Before leaving today, let me do two things.

First, let me thank you for reading this blog. It is a labor of love, and I am so humbled by the simple fact of people actually coming to see what we have to say. Each set of eyes that read these words is connected to a mind and heart, and I recognize that when trying to share my thoughts. Thank you so much.

Second, if you’ve never checked out our longer-format writings (eBooks and books), may I impose upon you to do so? We currently have 9 titles in our store, some for as little as 99 cents. We never want to “push product,” but we would be grateful if you would check out what we have to offer. You can do that here.

But, even if you don’t, thanks so much for stopping by. May God be honored by what we try to do here!

QUESTION: If you enjoy writing, share some reasons why in the comments.


Photo credit: Josef Steufer on Creative Commons

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