Church Life

44, That’s Me!

I had a birthday this week! I have no qualms (at least yet in life) about telling my age but Jeremiah took care of it for me this year. For those who didn’t see the video my husband used the other day to announce my new age to the world, you can find it here. The irony is, I had already planned to write this article based on that commercial!

I was a fan of Icky back when he was performing his famous “Icky Shuffle” for touchdowns instead of cold cuts, so I love that commercial. But that is not why I wanted to write an article that mentioned it.

As I was contemplating my new age, and thought about wording it as Icky would, I started to think of other ways to begin the sentence “… that’s me!” As a Christian, I would love for people to think of Amber Tatum and say things like …

“Joy … that’s her!” Philippians 4:4

“Content … that’s her!” Philippians 4:11

“Servant … that’s her!” Matthew 20:26

“Loving … that’s her!” Romans 12:10

After all, one of the best-known and well-loved quotes about God is that simple: “God is love.” 1 John 4:8

So, what would your shout out be is you were celebrating? May I suggest …

“Christian … that’s me!”

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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