Church Life

5 Reasons We are Attending Polishing the Pulpit

My family has never attended Polishing the Pulpit. Though we have heard great things about it, this is our first time to go. If you are unfamiliar with PtP, it is a lectureship, but for all members of the Church. There are classes for elders, deacons, preachers, youth workers, ladies, members, leaders’s wives, and even some other more specific classes. At certain times of the day, as many as TEN classes are going on at the same time.

The event is held in Sevierville, Tennessee each year and each class is in the Wilderness of the Smokies hotel and convention center. In this beautiful setting, even more beautiful lessons are taught from God’s Word. Here is the schedule for the entire 7-day event:

Though it costs quite a bit of money to attend, we think it is going to be well worth our time and our financial investment (and, yes, we consider it an investment). We will pay for lodging for some of the nights (since I am speaking a couple of nights are paid for), Leah’s registration, children’s care during the day, food (we’re taking food for breakfast and lunch to save on eating out too much), and travel expenses. Even so, we think it is well worth it.

You may not be able to attend the event, which begins this Friday and runs through next Thursday. You may, though, want to put it in your 2011 budget and start looking forward to it. Here are 5 reasons we are attending, other than the fact that I am leading singing and speaking:

1. Bible Focus. I know a great number of the speakers, and many of them I know if a very personal way. I am also blessed to know many of the folks who “put together” the program. They are people “of the book.” They love God’s Word and want each lesson to be focused on the truths found in it. I am truly looking forward to this spiritual feast in hearing some great speakers who love God’s Word.

2. Practical Nature. One of the things that PtP focuses on is making the week practical. Some of the lessons are basically “how to” lessons, and others are idea sessions. This is a unique focus and something that brings elders, preachers, and members back year after year. We all need some practical advice, and those who make assignments for the topics desire that we who speak make our lessons applicable to the lives of the listeners. If you like practical stuff, this is the week for you!

3. Something for Everyone. As I have said, this is more than just “something for preachers.” While a great percentage of those who attend are preachers, more and more elders, members, deacons, and wives are attending due to the focus on their specific roles in the life of the Church. A glance at the schedule (below) will show you that there is something for you, and that you can grow immensely from this week of Bible teaching.

4. Christian Fellowship. There are few things that are sweeter than seeing fellow Christians from all over the place come together to learn, but also to interact with one another. I have already heard from many folks who are attending and I can’t wait to see them and fellowship with them again! Even if you don’t know a lot of folks from other locations, what a great time to meet them! When Christians get together, it is truly sweet.

5. Ideas Galore. From sermon swaps to Bible school teacher “make and takes;” from “7 Minutes of Wisdom” to practical counseling, there are ideas that will come throughout the week to help you serve the Lord in a grand way. I am taking a notebook and my laptop (Evernote was MADE for this week!) to try to get all the ideas I can to use both at Lebanon Road and in my personal spiritual life. It is truly a time to fill those idea files, whether you are a deacon, a youth minister, a preacher, or a member who serves wherever you can.


For more information about Polishing the Pulpit, visit the website here.

If you are interesting in seeing the names of each speaker, click here. (Some have bios that have been turned in that you may find helpful, as well.)

Also, here is the 40 page information booklet, complete with the schedule for 2010.


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