7 Reasons to Stay Passionate in Marriage
“I do.”
Those simple words seal the marriage vows as nearly every wedding ceremony. While simple in their wording, they are far more than a promise. These words are a vow and covenant before God and any human witnesses that one will keep himself to his bride or herself to her husband, and that he/she will do all he/she can do to keep that marriage together.
It is a passionate marriage. Yes, sex is part of that, but it is not the only thing the couple is passionate about. They flirt. They protect one another. They can’t wait to be together for a little while, even if it’s “just” for a little walk around the neighborhood. It is a wonderful thing to watch.
Sadly, for many, that passion fades. The rigors of life take away from keeping that passion in the marriage. Often, the birth of children and the stresses of raising those kids takes it further away. Eventually, a couple looks up and wonders who they married!
Husbands and wives, we MUST stay passionate in our marriages. Why? Here are a few reasons.
1. The Picture of Christ and the Church. Jesus was/is passionate about the Church. He died for her. He loves her. His dedication to her never changes. Husbands, we are commanded to do the same for our wives. If we are going to live what the Bible teaches, we must remain committed–fully committed–to our spouse.
2. It Makes for a Happier Life. If you have lost some of that passion, think back to when you had it. Weren’t you excited and happy? Weren’t you filled with joy just at the thought of seeing him or her? Then why would you let that go? Don’t you want that deep joy that comes from even a small act, like holding her hand or giving him a little present? Over time, there will be much more joy in your home.
3. It Makes “Divorce” a Non-Existent Word. The word will simply not be used. Why? Because you won’t give it a thought. If you are passionate about your spouse, there won’t be a thought about moving that passion to someone or something else.
…along the same lines…
4. There Will Not be a Thought about Straying. Your eyes will be glued to your spouse, not to a new neighbor or coworker. Your mind won’t desire pornographic pictures on the computer screen. You won’t even think about reading romance novels (as if they are true romance, anyway). Emotionally, physically, sexually, and socially, you will not stray from the one you gave your heart to so long ago.
5. Marriage Won’t be Something to be Endured. How often do we see couples who have been married for many years just acting like they tolerate the marriage? How tragic! Instead, I want to be one of those couples who, after 30, 40, or 50 years still hold hands and still act like kids when they look into each other’s eyes.
6. It Helps When Struggles Come. Passion does not equate to everything “coming up roses.” There will still be rough times in any marriage. Illnesses come. Children rebel. Finances get tight. Jobs are lost. But, when you are passionate about each other, you will be more likely to “live to fight another day.” Why? You have someone to fight for!
7. He/She is Worth It! You married that hunk, right? (Okay, in Leah’s case, it wasn’t a “hunk,” but, well, that, um, guy.) You fell in love with that special girl, didn’t you? (And Leah surely is that!) You saw great value and worth in him/her. Yes, you probably see a few negatives now that you didn’t see then. Yes, both of you are sinners, and have to deal with that sin. Yes, he/she does something to annoy you every so often. But he/she is still worth it! After all, Christ still loves you and is passionate about you, in spite of your sins and quirks!
Husbands and wives, let’s rekindle that passion in the marriages across our nation. Stay true to your wife. Stay devoted to your husband. Remember what you saw in him that drew you to him. Think back to all the great things you saw in her that made her “the one.”
Go on a date…soon.
Hold hands again.
Make a phone call or send a text, just to say “I love you.”
If you were thinking of looking at porn or flirting with a coworker, turn away from it and, instead, stare at that picture of your spouse for a minute or two.
Do something today “just because,” like you did when you were dating.
Win them over all over again!
Stay passionate, and reap the rewards for years and years to come.
Leah, here’s my “little gift” to you for today:

Jim Faughn
GREAT blog — as always. I’m just a little over a year away from getting the answer to another song that Lennon & 3 other guys were responsible for — WHEN I’M 64!
Cindy Tatum
Insightful comments! Jim (Tatum) and I used to listen to the “When I’m 64” song when we were dating. I was thinking of it even before seeing your dad’s response. We often discussed, without being able to imagine, what it would be like. All of the ups and downs through the years of marriage do make it worth it to be close to reaching that “64” goal we set for ourselves some 43 years ago.