7 Things I Need to Pray for Every Day
One of my resolutions for 2010 was to keep an updated prayer list. I didn’t do so hot, so I “rolled” that resolution over to 2011. So far, not so good, but I haven’t given up on it yet!
To help me out, I sat down recently and made a quick list of some of the things that I need to take before God every day. Here are some of the things I thought about.
1. My marriage. Leah is a precious gift, but marriages don’t work unless those in them work! I don’t want a “good enough” marriage. I want an off-the-charts-wow-this-is-amazing marriage, and God can do that!
2. My children–by name! Mary Carol and Turner are each precious and they are individuals. I need to pray for their “Luke 2:52 development” every day! And, tied to this, I need to pray that I am the kind of dad that helps them grow in those areas.
3. My other family. I don’t need to wait until there is a struggle or a triumph. I need to pray for parents, in-laws, and others every day. They are so special to me, and I want them to remain faithful to their families and to the Lord.
4. Lebanon Road. I pray for the congregation not just because “I work there,” but because it is our church home. I want our elders to remain men who are true to God’s Word and to being true shepherds. I want our teachers and preachers to focus on training us all for greater works. I want every member to be faithful and working in the kingdom.
5. My struggles. Yes, I have them. We all do. Preachers aren’t exempt from bad days and from temptation! God can help me with it all, and part of that help is to take it to Him in prayer.
6. The lost–in general and by name. I have some for whom I pray specifically at times. I also need to pray that I as a preacher and friend, and that Lebanon Road as a congregation, will reach as many “unknown” (to me) as possible every day.
7. Thanksgiving. God is so good. While there are struggles in life, He has given me more than I ever deserved. I’m so glad and thankful, but I need to do better about expressing it.
Specifics prayer “topics” may come and go, but it is my goal to inculcate these 7 things more deeply into my prayer life. Prayer has always been hard for me (I don’t really know why), but I’m trying.
Help me take more to you in prayer. Thank you for listening, caring, and answering as You see best.
In Him,
Your servant
What do you strive to pray for every day?

Alena Meroshnik
Wow- this makes praying more exciting to me, I want to be more organized and make a praying list now! Thanks for sharing!
Larry Miles
Thanks so much for this list– It can be adapted by all of us depending on our situation. I am glad to hear and read about folks who put prayer as a priority– Hope to meet you in person at FHU this will be my first time.