Church Life

7 VBS Memories and 13 Posters

Earlier this year, Lebanon Road held a Ministry Fair, where we encouraged every member to see all the areas of work in which we are involved and to indicate areas in which they would help. I was one of the folks who helped with the exhibit for Vacation Bible School. We were able to get several folks to see just how much work it takes for us to put on VBS each year.

As part of our exhibit, we asked folks of all ages to share their memories or “favorite things” about VBS. Seven responded and we used them on some posters, among many pictures of past Vacation Bible Schools.

Our VBS begins Sunday night, so I wanted to share those quotes with you. Enjoy!

1. From an adult: “Everyone benefits by our VBS. [It] creates fond memories for children and adults.”

2. From a 6-year-old: “My favorite part is the skits! I love them!”

3. From an adult: “I love hearing the children singing.”

4. From a 4-year old: “What’s VBS?” (You’ve got to love honesty like that!)

5. From an adult: “As a child, my favorite memory of VBS is competing in the Bible book contest we had at Scribner’s Mill. They would hang the books of the Bible up on a clothesline out of order and you had to put them back into order in the fastest time. This was a fierce competition!”

6. From an adult: “I enjoy seeing so many members working together to make VBS a success each year.”

7. From a 5th grader: “This is kinda like Bible class!”


As one way to help get our kids excited about VBS, we also ask them to make a poster about VBS or the theme for that year. This year, we are studying the life of David under the theme “A Royal VBS.” So far, 13 posters have been turned in. Here they are as a slideshow:


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