• Church Life

    I Love Vacation Bible School … Teachers!

    As I write this, we are preparing for our annual VBS work night. While our teachers can work for several days before our Vacation Bible School begins, we always have one night when we open up our building and ask as many as can attend to come and help with some of the “larger” or more time-consuming projects that are necessary to make a room really attractive. I am writing this sentence at 1:47PM. Our work night starts at 5:30. So, why am I sharing this? Because almost half of our teachers are already here, and have been for some time. In fact, several were here yesterday, some for around…

  • Church Life

    9 Steps to a Successful “Special Event”

    Nearly every congregation plans special events. These are usually things like Vacation Bible Schools, Gospel Meetings, youth rallies, or other events. Sometimes, we have these events “just because we always have,” and then we wonder why things don’t go the way we would like. Recently, I was listening to a lesson from Mike Winkler from this year’s Polishing the Pulpit on planning a successful Gospel Meeting. While most of what he said were things that I knew, hearing them in one lesson was very helpful, and a much-needed reminder. His thoughts are reflected in much of today’s list, too. Here are some things you can implement, no matter the size…

  • Church Life

    Summer Series #2: “VBS Memories” by Christina Gillim

    [This is the second installment in our summer series. Each post is written by college students who are spending their summers working for the Lord and not on vacation.] Today’s post is written by Christina Gillim. She has a site on Tumblr that you can read here. Enjoy her post! ————————————– So a couple of weeks ago we had VBS at my home congregation and it was so much fun! I helped with crafts so I actually wasn’t able to watch the kids sing, which is my favorite part, but that’s ok. I was encouraged by them in other ways. 🙂 Seeing the kids get so excited about God truly…

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  • Church Life

    7 VBS Memories and 13 Posters

    Earlier this year, Lebanon Road held a Ministry Fair, where we encouraged every member to see all the areas of work in which we are involved and to indicate areas in which they would help. I was one of the folks who helped with the exhibit for Vacation Bible School. We were able to get several folks to see just how much work it takes for us to put on VBS each year. As part of our exhibit, we asked folks of all ages to share their memories or “favorite things” about VBS. Seven responded and we used them on some posters, among many pictures of past Vacation Bible Schools.…