Church Life

“8 Days with the Preacher” : Wrap Up and Links

The “8 Days with the Preacher” posts are done. I hope you found them to be informative and fun, too. My goal was very simple. Many people wonder what a preacher does all day, especially during the week, so I thought I would just chronicle a fairly typical week. Of course, no preacher can predict exactly what every day will be like, but I tried to select a time of the year that was fairly normal, and I hope that helped.

I did want to share some concluding thoughts on this Monday, though.

1. One thing to keep in mind was that I was only preaching once on Sunday. I point that out because that left me with some more time for visiting and “general reading/study” than normal. This week, I have two sermons for Sunday, plus two Bible classes, and I’m teaching at a youth rally over the weekend. This is a little more than normal, while last week was slightly less than normal. Usually, I have four preparations per week.

2. This was not meant to be the “perfect schedule” series. For those who preach, especially, you need to work as best you can to God’s glory. I am a very routine person, so my morning routine (especially) may have been boring for you to read. However, I work well in the morning, so I try to stay in routine as best I can from the time I get up until lunchtime. When I am able to do that, I am most productive. Others work well at different times, though, and that is okay, so long as we are giving our best for the Master.

3. There were a couple of “normal” things that I forgot to mention in my posts. One that did happen, but I forgot to chronicle it, was that I wrote a post for This site deals with personal finance from a Christian perspective, and I try to write a post every other week for them. I did that last Wednesday, but just forgot to mention it. [Ironically, the post went live today, and you can read it here.] The other “normal” thing was that Leah and I did not have our weekly devotional. We usually have a devotional together on Wednesday nights after the kids are in bed, but Leah attended a surprise birthday party for a friend (which she needed to do), so we put off our devo for a week.

4. I am surrounded by a lot of good people. While this series may make me look impressive, everything I do is helped along by great people. I won’t start naming them all (because I’d leave someone out), but just know that I am truly blessed in every area of life to have help. These posts may have “exalted” me a bit too much, and if you feel that I came across that way, it was not intentional.

For your reading of the posts, I am grateful. My plan is to do this again sometime, but at a different time of year, for the sake of perspective and originality.


In case you missed any of the posts, here are links to all of them

1. Introduction

2. Sunday #1

3. Monday

4. Tuesday

5. Wednesday

6. Thursday

7. Friday

8. Saturday

9. Sunday #2


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.