9 Things To Do Every Day
We are all busy. Each of us has a “to do” list that never seems to get totally checked off.
Sadly, due to how busy we are, we often seem to forget to do things that really matter. So today’s post is meant to remind us of things that are truly important. Each and every day, if you will do these things, you can rest and night knowing that you did what was important.
1. Spend Time with God. Pray to him openly and thoughtfully. Let Him speak to you through the Bible. When you miss those times during the day, your soul suffers. When you spend time with Him, you will never regret it.
2. Encourage Someone. It doesn’t have to be a huge, elaborate project. Fire off an encouraging email, instead of the one you were going to send. Give a smile to someone who is hurting. Spend a few minutes talking to someone who needs conversation.
3. [If you are married] Spend Meaningful Time with Your Spouse. Don’t just live under the same roof, spend time every day getting to know one another, laughing together, and sharing stories and memories. Far too many couples only spend time in front of the TV together. Turn it off, and reconnect with your spouse.
4. [If you have children] Spend Meaningful Time with Your Kid(s). Play a game (my 5-year-old schooled me in Memory last night…ouch!). Run around the back yard. Take a walk. Draw a picture. Go out for ice cream. Skip some rocks at the lake. Talk (what a concept). Don’t just drop them in front of a movie and expect to connect with them. Make it meaningful.
5. Laugh. Make sure it is something that is clean, but smile and laugh a little. It is healthy, and it helps lift the rest of your day.
6. Rest. Far too many people go and go and go and go, and never rest. Our bodies require rest, and it will help us remain strong in the long run.
7. Learn. No matter your age, take a few moments every day to read a good book, or listen to something informative, or have a conversation where you are learning something. When you stop learning, you stop growing.
8. Work. Even if you do not have a job, or if it is your day off, work at something. Find something meaningful to do with a few moments of your day, and work at it. It will cultivate a great ethic within you that will help you in the long run.
9. Stop to Realize God’s Greatness. Yes, I said “stop.” At some point during the day, reflect on how great God is. Notice it in nature. Read something that helps you see it. Just pause and think about it. When you do, you will realize who He is compared to you, and it will instill in you an awe that is good for the soul.
That sounds like a productive and meaningful day to me. What about you?
What would you add/subtract from the list?

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