Church Life

What about that “Personal Relationship” with God?

Recently, we asked our readers to provide suggestions of topics for us to write about on our blog. This is the 4th post of 8 we will have in July.

In recent years, the phrase “personal relationship with God” seems to be everywhere. If you watch religious TV or listen to Christian programming, you are almost assured of hearing that phrase often. One of our readers, John, who asked us to write about this topic, though, made sure to include the phrase “inner life” in his suggestion. That is key to this discussion.

Part of the struggle with having a personal relationship with God is that word “personal.” That may seem obvious, but far too many of us only look at the outward appearance of piety in someone’s life and we assume he/she is right in the sight of God. While there are certain things that do show themselves outwardly (cf. Matthew 5:16) in the life of a Christian, there are others that often are more inward (cf. Galatians 5:22-23). And many of us can trick ourselves into thinking the same thing about our own lives. I look good, religiously-speaking, to others, so I must be okay with God.

However, when it comes down to it, others can help me get to heaven, but my relationship with God is just that: MY relationship with God.

And, for many of us, that’s where it can get scary.

Why? Because God knows everything. He knows when I lust after that woman at the mall. He knows when I covet my neighbor’s new car. He knows when I secretly have ill will toward that family that can afford anything while we struggle for simple things. He knows when I am tempted to concoct a lie to cover up where I was last night.

He knows…everything.

But, that is also where the inner life is built and the personal relationship can be stronger.

How? Because God also knows the peace that I feel in the midst of the storms of life. He knows when I confess temptation to Him before it grows into some outward sin. He knows the silent praise I offer to Him from my cubicle. He knows the plans I am making to go on a mission trip when I graduate high school.

So, the real question is, how do I build the second type of list, and lessen the first? How do I build that personal relationship in my inner life? Here are a few suggestions, with an action step question after each one.

1. Free your mind. It is hard to have a personal relationship with the Lord when your mind is never free to consider Him fully. While we live in a world of distractions, we will find it easier to “connect” with God if we rid ourselves of at least a few of these and allow our minds to see the glories of His creation, and the joys of His love and grace. ACTION STEP: What distraction will you give up today to spend a few moments thinking about God?

2. Spend serious time with His Word. The key word here is “serious.” Be alone with the Lord in His Word. Don’t just read an old, favorite passage in a cursory way. Dig deeply into the truths contained in the Bible. This is your Father speaking to you! We need to listen. When we hear His love, wisdom, and correction, we will be drawn closer to Him. ACTION STEP: Select a passage to study deeply for the next 3-6 weeks.

3. Open your heart in prayer. Don’t just pray the same, routine prayers. Open your heart to your Father. Pour out your depressions, your struggles, your celebrations, and your temptations. He wants to hear. Any relationship lacks that “personal” nature if we fail to be open. The same is true in our relationship with God. ACTION STEP: Begin a prayer list/journal and don’t hold back what goes on that list. [See bottom of this post for link to a journal to help you.]

4. Be thankful. Often, we fail to connect with God because we aren’t looking back on what He has already done. Our relationship is built upon, “What will you do for me next?” Instead, we need to see that our Father has been there for us all along and has blessed us in countless ways. ACTION STEP: Make a list of 15-20 specific things you are thankful for, then pray a prayer containing only praise and gratitude for those things.

Each of these three things may seem simplistic, but often that which is the simplest to say is the hardest to do. By beginning to be open in our life with God, we will see our hearts drawn to Him each day.


QUESTION: What other steps/tips do you have that help you connect with God in a personal way?


Photo credit: Lel4nd on Flickr creative commons.

Here is a journal you might consider if you need help starting a prayer journal.

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