A Short Post about a Short Time

When I was a child, I thought that there was a great deal of time between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. I’m not sure why I thought that, but it took me a while to figure out that the actual time is only one week. (You may be reading these words a little past the midway point in that week.)
As I think back on my misconception about that amount of time, I wonder if all of us are, in some ways, guilty of “mis-measuring” time. I’m wondering if that is true with regard to something much more important than the amount of time between December 25th and January 1st.
According to how we measure time, years, centuries, etc., we are now into the twenty-first century. That is; we are into the twenty-first century since the time that Jesus was on earth. That does not even take into account the number of centuries between the earth’s creation and the Lord’s earthly ministry.
I’ve lived a little more than seven-tenths of one century. Sometimes that sure seems like a long time as I live from day to day, week to week, month to month, etc. At other times, I wonder where the years have gone.
It really doesn’t matter what I think or feel. The fact is that seventy-one years don’t seem too significant when compared to the entire history of the human race.
What if the earth exists for as many centuries in the future as it already has in the past? Whatever time I will have spent on the earth starts looking really insignificant very quickly.
Then, there is the reality of eternity. The entire existence of the earth quickly fades into obscurity in that never-ending reality.
There was a time in my life when I thought I had a lot of time between two holidays which were only a week apart. There was also a time when I was much younger when I thought that I might have a long time to live.
The Lord has blessed me with what might seem to some as a fairly long life already. The older I get, though, I realize more and more how short my time on earth is.
I hope that you will join me during this “in-between time” between two holidays to think seriously about a familiar scripture. Maybe it will help to motivate all of us to live each day for the One with whom we want to live for eternity.
…For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away (James 4:14).
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn