A Theory and an Irony
As most of you already know, today is the 200th birthday of both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. While Lincoln was nowhere near perfect, his legacy will be the holding together of a nation in complete crisis. He also delivered the Emancipation Proclamation, which set free African (and other) slaves. Simply put, this is one of the most important events in American history, and a moment for which we should be grateful.
Charles Darwin’s legacy is what we think of more often, though. Darwin’s Origin of the Species is one of the most important books ever penned. To be honest, I’ve never read it cover-to-cover, but I have read quite a lot of it. The book sparked controversy over beginnings and set in motion the development of the theory of evolution.
Sadly, Darwin’s writing has become “fact” for far too many. Our children are fed this theory in many ways in schools. We are constantly fed the theory through media, even in subtle ways. Far too many just blindly accept it without fully thinking it through.
While it is not the only factor, the theory has led to many of the problems we see in our world today. If we are nothing but animals, then why don’t we just act like it? Since many people buy in to that theory, we see the astronomical growth of crime, pornography, and hatred. And, since the theory maintains that we are nothing more than a higher level of ooze, then who is to say that nothing is wrong with murder, rape, and other acts.
Do you see an interesting turn-about here? One man born 200 years ago today had the courage to stand up and say that something was wrong. He saw an injustice and he did what he could to end it. Another man born on the exact same day laid the groundwork for people to say that things like slavery may not be all that wrong!
Hatred, racism, prejudice, injustice. These are things we must stand up against. If those who stand for Darwinism get their way, though, these things will not be wrong. When Jesus Christ is our leader, though, they will have no place in our hearts or in our lives.
Please take special note of a debate occurring on this, the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin. Tonight at the University of South Carolina, Kyle Butt of Apologetics Press will be debating Dan Barker. Barker serves as Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Probably his most famous written work is the book Godless. The proposition for the debate is stated thus: “I Know that the God of the Bible Does Not Exist.”
Kyle is a friend, and has prepared himself for months for this night. This is a tremendous opportunity for the truth of God to be advanced. Please pray for Kyle throughout the day, and pray for those who will hear this debate. Also, pray for Dan Barker, that he might finally be convinced that God is, and that He is Lord.
If you wish to hear the debate online, you may click here. It begins at 7:00 Eastern, 6:00 Central.