Bible study,  Church Life

A Thought about the Pearl

Over the years, including a number of times recently, I have had conversations with people who have left the denominational world in order to be “just Christians.” One of the things that is of interest to me is how so many of those who have done this speak of how they love the Truth and how they want to make sure the Lord’s church is unstained by doctrinal error.

On the other hand, I have also had conversations with people who were “raised in the church,” but who now desire for the church to change. They want to see the church not be so stuck in the past and they don’t really see the big deal with giving in a little here or there in order to please people.

While it is not 100% of people on either side, it is remarkable to me how often I hear both of those stories.

And I think it may have a connection to a short but powerful parable from Jesus. In Matthew 13:45-46, Jesus told this brief parable:

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Those who have found the pearl of the kingdom are willing to sell all. They have conversations that those of us who were raised in the church have never had to have. They have had to wrestle with things in their minds that we would struggle to grasp. They have found the truth, and it is worth more to them than anything.

And now they run into people who want to change it to what they already left behind? To what they “sold” in order to gain the pearl?

It’s no wonder they are so ardent about the church remaining pure!

Maybe those of us who were raised in the church need to spend more time in the Scripture and less time relying on our upbringing and some type of generational faith. We need to study and truly find the truth and not be bored with it because it’s what we’ve always known.

Those who have truly searched for it understand, and they will not give it up. They will give up everything else in order to be true to it. Will I?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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