Church Life

An Article about Nothing

“Nothing” is scary.

“Nothing” is uncomfortable.

“Nothing” makes us uneasy.

Perhaps that’s one reason why, in movies and TV programs, many will have people in dark places when they want to scare us. We don’t like the unknown of that “nothingness” that is around the person. It makes us very nervous to have that “nothing” all around.

Have you ever thought that Christians know that there is never nothing (pardon the grammar)? God always is. God is ever present. The soul is eternal. Even if one is punished in hell, he or she will not “cease to exist” and be annihilated into nothingness. There is always something.

While there are many things we should fear (hell being first on the list), “nothing” isn’t one of them. Because we serve a God who always is and who is always with us, we don’t fear “nothing.”


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