An Awful Cheap Thrill

As our world devolves into more depravity, what amuses us or gives us a thrill not only gets more depraved, it also gets cheaper. (Need proof? Look no further than the explosion of pornography and how it provides that “thrill” for millions.)
But there is another cheap thrill that has been around for centuries, and each time it is found, it is awful, destructive, and insidious.
Yet…it keeps going.
It is the cheap thrill of gossip.
Think for a moment. What could be cheaper than tearing down someone who is not present only to make (1) them look worse, and/or (2) you look better?
It’s cheap because it is taking a shot at someone who is not present to defend themselves. It is cheap because it does not require us to take the time to actually dive into the facts and details and make sure what we are saying is true. It is cheap because it is filled with cowardice.
Yet, somehow, we keep falling into it.
Gossip is warned against multiple times in both the Old and New Testaments, because it is wrong on so many levels. At its most basic level, it is simply a misuse of the tongue. But we all know it goes far deeper.
It comes from a heart that is hardening to a relationship.
It displays a coldness toward our fellow human beings.
It is a desperate attempt at a power play.
It is pride put on display.
And it destroys people–both the one being attacked and the one spreading the juicy tale.
Instead of seeking a cheap thrill, how about we do the hard work of actually getting to know the other person and seeking to understand him or her. We might find that we just don’t click and don’t become best friends, but that’s okay. We will also know that we have avoided a cheap thrill…
…and a sin.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn