Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

“And Me” : A Lesson from a Child’s Prayer

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I enjoy listening to children pray. On those occasions when our family is able to be together, I especially appreciate hearing our grandchildren pray.

For some time now, I have been intrigued by a phrase often used by our youngest grandson when he prays. He regularly thanks God for “Mommy, Daddy, Mary Carol (his sister), and me.”

“And me”–I’m not sure I’ve ever heard him pray when he didn’t add those two words. 

A few years ago, I saw this Ziggy cartoon. Apparently the cartoonist and our grandson are on the same page when it comes to how they view life.  

ziggy i love life

A young boy’s prayer and a cartoon serve as a reminder to me. I need to be reminded about all of the blessings that God has given me. I need to be reminded to be thankful for all of those blessings. I need to be reminded that the gift of life itself should be viewed as an immeasurable blessing.

That prayer and that cartoon also serve as a challenge to me. I’m challenged because of the brevity of life (cf. James 4:14). I don’t need to act like I will be here forever. I need to make the most of what time I do have and not dwell on what I don’t have. An attitude of gratitude will go a long way in making for a pleasant life.

I’m also challenged as I wonder if anybody else is grateful that God gave me life. Am I using what time I have to be a blessing to others? Will I be missed when I am no longer here?

Has anybody else thanked God for you?

Have you thanked God for you?

Have you ever thought to add “and me” to the list of things for which you thank your Father?


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Photo background credit: Nancy Big Crow on Creative Commons

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