Church Life

Why Is Everyone So Angry?

Have you noticed that we live in an angry world? Many people feed themselves on TV news programs that are basically one so-called “expert” shouting at another so-called “expert,” with neither one giving an inch. Violence is out of control in many places in the country. Bullying and cyberbullying are at nearly epidemic levels in our schools.

And no one seems to know why.

Maybe it’s because they haven’t read their Bible lately.


Now, we must say that anger is not a sin. So long as anger is directed at sinful actions and is handled in a proper manner, anger is a God-given emotion and has its place.

That said, we constantly see anger that is out of control and completely misplaced. Anger leads to violent acts and cruelty on a seemingly endless basis. Yet, for all the “experts” who try to tell us various reasons for this growth in anger and violence, you won’t see someone point to the Scriptures.

Surely the Bible doesn’t have the answer for this problem, right?

Oh yes it does.

In Ephesians 2, Paul is writing about the grace of God and how it saves us. But, before he writes about that salvation, he spoke of what we were saved from. Some of the descriptions include “dead in trespasses and sins” and “following the course of this world.” As he draws that part of his discussion to a close, though, Paul writes,

Among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. (Ephesians 2:3)

Did you catch that? Everyone has anger within him/her. But until we are saved by Jesus, we are going to express that anger (here called “wrath”), “like the rest of mankind.” Why? Because that’s the desire of my flesh.

Ever hear someone say, “I’m hot-headed; that’s just who I am”? We all have heard that, and maybe have said it. Paul is saying that those words are, at least to a point, correct.

On the flip side, have you ever heard someone say, “I’m just hot-headed, and I can’t help it”? Yep, we’ve heard that one, too.

And it’s here where the line is drawn between our culture and Christianity. Christians would actually agree with that statement, in part. However, the Bible teaches that, while I of my own doing cannot “help myself,” Jesus can. It takes trusting that He is able to bring peace and control into my life. And, while I may still fail at times to control my anger, Christians who are living faithfully should be the most peaceful and controlled people on earth.

Why? Because we are no longer fulfilling the angry desires of the flesh. Instead, by the grace of God, we have been saved through faith. And in that great act, “We are [God’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” (v.10).

If people would just look at their Bibles, a lot of “experts” would be out of a job. God has told us why everyone is so angry, but He has also told us how to solve the problem.

As always, the problem is us, and the solution is Jesus.

[NOTE: We have a very exciting announcement about the blog coming on Monday. We hope you check back in for this big news, or to be sure you don’t miss it, why not not just subscribe (for free) by email? That way, you’ll never miss a post, including the exciting news we’ll let you know about on Monday!]


Photo credit: Matt Erasmus on Creative Commons

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