
"Are You…?"

I had a wonderful experience yesterday morning. I thought it was time to get the brake pads replaced on one of our vehicles. Thankfully, I was wrong, so it cost nothing! While that was good, it wasn’t the best part of the morning.

My appointment was at 7:30 and I had a coupon for free pads to the first customer, so I got to the garage at 7:00 and waited. I was the first one there, but another man walked in almost the same time I did. We sat down in the little room and waited. I had my bag of books and (of course) my phone loaded up with podcasts, because it usually takes about 90 minutes to get this done.

As I sat down, I pulled out my Bible and started reading. We are focusing on daily Bible reading at Lebanon Road this year. I usually wait 3 or 4 days and then read several chapters at once, so that’s what I was doing.

After reading a couple of chapters, the other man said, “Excuse me.”

Now, let me skip part of the conversation. It turns out he is a member of the Lord’s church in a nearby town. We had a very pleasant conversation and I left highly encouraged by my brother in Christ.

But it was what he said after the “excuse me” that made me think. He said, “Are you a minister?” I said, “Yes. I preach at the Lebanon Road church of Christ.” To that, he responded, “I figured you were. Only ministers would be reading their Bible this early in the morning.”


Please know I’m not saying this man was terrible. As our conversation progressed, it was obvious he knew quite a bit of Scripture. I had a blast talking with him!

But, only ministers read in the morning?

As I was driving to the office, I was thinking, maybe that’s one reason our nation is where it is. Maybe more Christians need to be seen proudly reading God’s Word anywhere and everywhere they find themselves.

  • Could you have a small Bible in your purse or back pocket for when you are waiting in line at the store or bank?
  • Why not take the Bible for those waiting room moments, instead of that novel you’re trying to finish?
  • Download the Bible onto your MP3 player or iPod to listen to while driving or while shopping.
  • Take a copy and put it in your locker at school, the gym, or the break room at work.

We need to be seen with God’s Word at all times of the day, but there is something special about a few moments in the morning letting God speak to you through the pages of Holy Writ.

O God, Thou art my God;

early will I seek Thee.

(Psalm 63:1, 21st Century King James)


One Comment

  • John

    This is a good post, Adam.

    I have often wondered if we (I am speaking of nonpreachers who have a different full-time job) read the Bible as much as a typical Muslim would read his Qur’an.

    Also, I wish you and your readers would share some approaches they have used to get/encourage the ‘person in the pew’ to read his/her Bible more.
