Time for a Recipe!
I’ve been cleaning out my recipe stash in search of those that have special meaning to me. You know the ones – my mother’s handwriting, my mother-in-law’s handwriting, my daughter’s handwriting when she was a little girl, those from people I have known in the past. I’m getting rid of tons of recipes I have clipped out of magazines. They don’t have any special meaning. It has been time consuming, but lots of fun to reach back in that memory bank and remember great love shown by those who made these good dishes. I came across one that I clipped from the local newspaper where I grew up. It had won…
Why We Must “Talk Politics” … in a Certain Way
It started rather subtly a number of years ago, and it seems to have started in the political class. It was barely noticeable to many people, but words mean things, and what was conveyed was intentional and has now spread throughout our culture, and even into the church. It was when people started saying that we have a “freedom of worship” and not a “freedom of religion.” Do you see the difference? To state that we have a freedom of worship confines things, does it not? It says that, if you want to go to a church building and worship, that is fine. By avoiding saying “freedom of religion”–which is what…
He Did It Anyway
Have you ever read a familiar passage of scripture and, for the first time, have something almost “jump off of the page?” That happened to me recently as I was reading John’s account of some of the events which led up to the Lord’s trial and crucifixion. Specifically, I was reading the portion of John 18 which tells of the betrayal of Judas. As you may remember, when Judas and those who had come to arrest Jesus arrived, the record states: Then Jesus, knowing all that would happen to Him, came forward and said to them, “Whom do you seek?” (John 18:4, ESV) As the events continue to unfold in…
Episode 175: Organizing a Bible School Curriculum Room
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Episode_175_Organizing_a_Bible_School_Curriculum_Room.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not working? Click here to listen.) On this podcast, Leah and Adam talk about how Central has totally reorganized the Bible School curriculum room, and how it is sustainable for a number of years to come. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
I Drew You
We had VBS recently and I was blessed to teach the 3rd and 4th graders at “Camp Canaan.” We got to watch as God gave the Israelites directions safely through the Red Sea for “water safety.” We saw God provide (our version) of manna and quail in “wilderness preparation.” And we talked about the salvation God gave the Israelites when they followed His direction to look at the bronze serpent in the wilderness. Each night, I tried to make a New Testament application for my students and we also tried to connect it in a real way to their daily lives. We did fun things like use wind (them blowing…
Dear Freed-Hardeman
This coming Saturday, Leah and I will have a pretty major life change. Our daughter, Mary Carol, will be moving into a dorm at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee. While she’s still our daughter (and always will be!), we all realize that things just will not be like they have been for the last almost-19 years. We are entrusting our daughter to a university that we love. We know it is not a perfect place. We fully realize things could not go the way we (or she) might want. No place is perfect. But we are blessed to know so many people at FHU, and we know that they have…
Saving Shelf Space
Imagine getting in your automobile in Jacksonville, Florida and traveling west on Interstate 10. According to mapquest.com, after about twelve hours of driving, you would find yourself in Houston, Texas. You would also have driven approximately 870 miles. Now, imagine one more thing (if you can). Try to imagine a bookshelf or any number of bookshelves that would cover that same distance. If you would have stopped about thirty miles before you arrived in Houston, you would have driven about the same distance as the shelf space used by the Library of Congress to hold all of the material it has. The actual number I read was 838 miles. On top…
Episode 174: Ruth 1:1-5 (Adam’s Bible Corner)
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Ruth_1_1-5_Adam_s_Bible_Corner.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) In this episode, Adam leads the listener on a study of the opening paragraph of the book of Ruth. This study will continue through the entire book. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
I Am Decided
Recently we had a group of our members at Central church of Christ travel to Zambia on a mission trip. They were gone for about two weeks and we loved looking at the pictures they sent to us and hearing the reports of their work. After they returned, our Youth and Family minister, who led our group, gave us a report about the work they did there. Some of the best pictures he showed were of the 33 baptisms that took place while they were there. It was so uplifting to see our brothers and sisters in Christ teaching and working with the people in the village of Mumena. On…
The Hardest Drive
It’s the most difficult drive I regularly make and, sometimes, I force myself to make it. It’s the drive near–or through–a neighborhood that I used to get invited to, but haven’t in a long time. It’s the drive near–of by–a house that I used to frequent, but haven’t in a long while. And I have no idea why. But it’s the same kind of drive that many Christians make in various neighborhoods in every location every day, so this is not really about me or about any particular house. So many Christians work and pray and visit and try to help a brother or sister in Christ who is struggling,…