• Family,  Marriage

    God Is The Third Partner

    It was the day I had looked forward to for a long time. After nearly six years of dating and waiting, the special day finally arrived – our wedding day! It wasn’t an elaborate wedding by today’s standards, but it was beautiful and special to us. We stood before my minister, family and friends, and promised to love one another and stay committed to each other for the rest of our lives. We had no idea what the future held, and at that particular time we didn’t care. We just knew we wanted to be together. Having just celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary, I think I qualify to give some advice…

  • Uncategorized

    Not-So-Random Thoughts on Gathering

    I’ve had this post in my head and in “rough” form for quite awhile, but finalized and scheduled it in the week leading up to a special day at Central. But this is not a “commercial” post (although, it would mean a lot if you’d be with us this coming Sunday for our special day!). We are having a special day Sunday that we have nicknamed “Gather” Sunday. Our flyers use the phrase “When We All Get Together,” and that also will serve as the title of my sermon for the morning assembly. Knowing this day has been coming for a long time has caused me to do a lot…

  • Church Life

    Famous (and Not So Famous) Last Words

    Maybe you’ve read the story behind the picture above. Apparently, the woman who is buried here was well known for her Christmas cookies. Her stock answer to anybody who asked for her recipe was, “Over my dead body.” I’m not sure that the lady had this tombstone in mind when she said this, but it seems that her family “honored her wishes.” At least I guess that it could be said that they got the last laugh. You may be familiar with other interesting inscriptions on tombstones like: There goes the neighborhood – comedian Rodney Dangerfield That’s all folks – Mel Blanc the voice of Elmer Fudd (and many other…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Spring Break?

    It is a wonderful week! No matter when it falls, lots of students and teachers are happy when spring break occurs. Plans are made. Trips are taken. Rest is recouped. Spring break is great. But have you ever considered that there are some things that don’t stop for spring break? A person who is sick isn’t magically cured just because it is spring break. A person serving a jail sentence doesn’t get a week off. Your bills aren’t postponed for a week. Dust keeps forming in the house; grass keeps growing; clothes get dirty. And then there are things from which you never take a break. Some in the earlier…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    Send, Take, or…

    I don’t remember the first time it happened when I was present, but it was a number of years ago. It has only happened, maybe, a half-dozen times when I have been present, but it continues to cause me to think. We were getting ready to sing the old hymn, “Send the Light.” That great old hymn is a tremendous missionary song, reminding us that there are people all throughout the world who need to hear the Gospel, and that we have a responsibility to send “the blessed Gospel light.” However, a few times I have been present where a song leader took a good amount of time telling us…

  • Church Life

    The Credentials Necessary to Drive a Golf Cart

    The annual Bible lectureship at Freed-Hardeman University is one of the highlights of the year for Donna and me. We were pleased to learn that we were going to be able to attend in person once again this year. It was helpful that, during the height of the concerns over Covid, it was available online, but that’s just not the same as being there in person. As is always the case, when we returned home, we had a lot of pleasant memories. There were interesting, informative, and challenging lessons. There was the opportunity to be with both of our children and all of our grandchildren (at least for a few…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    Teaching Women

    They come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. They all have different backgrounds and different levels of Bible knowledge. Some are mature while others are very immature. Some have a lot of confidence while others are very shy. Most are spiritually minded, but often there are those who focus on the world and want to be part of that world. A lot of them have been “brought up” in the church, while others have had very little religious training. Most are happy in life, but there is often one or more who are sad and depressed. For many years I have taught girls and women in Bible classes. Some of…

  • Family,  Marriage

    Let Marriage be Held in Honor Among…The Spouses

    One of the most foundational passages in the entire New Testament concerning marriage is found near the end of Hebrews. After making a powerful argument for the superiority of Jesus, the inspired author turns to various practical matters, many of which deal with our relationships in the church. However, in the midst of these practical commands and admonitions, the writer says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and the bed undefiled.” Entire series of sermons could be preached on principles from that one verse, but I want to share one very practical application of it that is too easily overlooked. If marriage is to be held in honor…

  • Church Life

    I Don’t Know What To Say

    I think that we’ve all had the experience of trying to find something appropriate to say to somebody who is going through a really tough time. I’m sharing something that I hope will help all of us. I don’t know very much about an organization called Stephen Ministries. From what I’ve read on their website, they attempt to provide resources to be used by preachers, counselors and others who want to help people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, experiencing setbacks of their own, and/or dealing with similar situations. I am hoping that what is reproduced below might be of benefit to all of us as we…

  • Church Life

    Hurting Him

    There are times in life when something crystallizes in your mind. Sometimes it might be an insignificant detail but at other times, it hits you like a ton of bricks. Often, these realizations are not a brand new thought but an increased awareness or consciousness of something you’ve known all along.  I had one of those moments this past weekend at Challenge Youth Conference. It was a blessing to be able to help chaperone our youth group at this great event. Part of that blessing is getting to hear the lessons prepared to help build the faith of our young people, but they build the faith of older people, too!…