Yea for Dad!
If you subscribe to the Gospel Advocate, you will notice the work of many great writers. In the August issue, though, one stands out from the rest. My dad, Jim Faughn, has an article published in that issue. It is the article we recently featured on the Friday Links Roundup about becoming an elder. Make sure you read the article and also pass along congratulations to him for “being published.” Way to go, dad!!!
Podcasts You Need #4: General Knowledge
Some podcasts to which I subscribe are simply in the category of general knowledge. They deal with history, language… well, just look at the list. 1. Great Speeches in History Podcast. This is just what it sounds like. Famous–and some not so famous–speeches from the past. My favorite part of this podcast is that there are many different types of speeches. So far, I have heard speeches from such varied men as Malcolm X, Harry Truman, and Babe Ruth. (Release: varies, but about every 3 weeks. Length: depends on speech) 2. How Stuff Works. The How Stuff Works website is a site dedicated to figuring out, um, how stuff works.…
Lebanon Road Report: August 9-10
What an uplifting weekend at Lebanon Road! We had our annual Give Away Day on Saturday. The results were amazing. 375 people registered, and there might have been a handful more than that who came. Lebanon Road is so generous, though. Even with that many people, we still had about 1/4 of the items which were donated left when the day was over! We had several people request Bible study, and we were blessed to have at least two visitors on Sunday directly from our Give Away Day. Overall, we had about 60 members of Lebanon Road who helped on Saturday, in addition to dozens more who donated items. It…
Friday Links Roundup: Give Away Day, Matt & Kelly, and No Alphabet Edition
Tomorrow is a busy day for us. The Lebanon Road church of Christ will host our annual Give Away Day. It is, well, just what it sounds like. Hundreds of items have been donated by our members and will be given away to people from our community who are in need. Also, about 300 bags of school supplies have been prepared to give to the children in the area. We pray that this will be a great way for folks to see how we care. Many ladies have volunteered time this week to sort the items and prepare them for the day. I’ll have pictures up next week. The amount…
A Great Group of People, and An Exciting Occasion
Yesterday morning, we got a phone call from Billy and Cindy Hutchens. They are members of the Lebanon Road church of Christ. They got “the call” that we once waited on. They found out that a baby was up for adoption and they could come get the baby. The only thing was that they had to wait until today to go to Texas. So…. Some of our great young families at Lebanon Road through them a little surprise party to send them off. We prayed for this family and had a great time of fellowship. Many even were able to bring gifts (on short notice!). There weren’t a ton of…
Finished: "Job" by Charles Swindoll
A while back, I finished reading the 8 volumes I have of Swindoll’s “Great Lives from God’s Word” series. In a few weeks, I will begin teaching a class on Job in our Bible school program, so I decided to read that volume again cover-to-cover. Again, it has blessed my life. This will not be a full review, since you can find the review of the entire series elsewhere on this blog. Let it be sufficient to say that this book is one of my favorites in the series, but that comes with a little bias, since Job is one of my favorite Bible books. Swindoll, in this volume, is…
Podcasts You Need #4: MacArthur and Zacharias
This week, we will feature two “scholarly level” podcasts to which I listen. Both feature in-depth sermons, but have distinctly different styles. Grace to You. John MacArthur speaks on this program, featuring his sermons recorded over the past 20+ years. One great feature of this podcast is that it is often done in series format, so you can expect to learn much about one topic over a one- or two-week period. Another great feature is the amount of Bible used in each sermon. MacArthur often preaches from the New Testament, but uses the Old Testament to illustrate; and he does so, in most cases, beautifully. However, MacArthur is also deeply…
A "Sign" of the Future?
I took this picture last evening as our family was driving back home. It’s a bit scary!!! Okay, so it’s a new gas station and they were just testing the sign, but we thought it was really funny. Or, maybe it wasn’t so funny that a gas sign could actually register that much per gallon!
An Old Lesson Relearned
Our family had the joy of having Dr. Gary McKnight as a guest last Sunday night. He was flying out of Nashville to a choral series in Utah on Monday morning and asked if he could spend the night at our house. We were honored to have him. If you don’t know Gary, you are missing out on a treat. He teaches at Freed-Hardeman University and directs one of the choruses there. When I was a student, he was the director of the Sonshine Singers–the group in which both Leah and I were involved. He also serves as an elder for the Henderson church of Christ. When I was a…
Lebanon Road Report: August 3
We had another wonderful day at Lebanon Road yesterday, and were once again blessed with scores of visitors. In fact, we had about 19 fill out visitors cards, and I personally know of at least 8 others who were with us last night! We also had 21 members of the Lebanon Road family away from us, working with the Pearlington, Mississippi, congregation. They knocked doors on Saturday, and then conducted the worship services yesterday morning. We are thankful they are back with us safely, and with such good news of a job well done. Even with their absence, we were blessed to have 335 in worship yesterday morning and 241…