Lebanon Road Report (May 18)
What a wonderful weekend! The weather has been glorious, and people in my neighborhood are out working in yards and visiting. It has just been great. The great weather did not keep a great number from being present Sunday at Lebanon Road. 341 were in attendance! Also, we were pleased that Harry Parman placed his membership with us. Harry has been visiting for some time, and we are thankful he decided to work along with us under the oversight of our elders. Last night, Leah and I were honored to host the youth group devotional in our house. J.D. and Maria Buckner do a wonderful job working with the young…
Finished: "Revelation 1-11" (Roper)
At the beginning of 2008, I mentioned that I would be noting each book I completed reading in a word-for-word fashion, even if I did not write my regular “review.” I have finished volume 1 of David Roper’s commentary on Revelation, which covers chapters 1-11. It is part of the Truth for Today Commentary series. My plan is to read the second volume, and then write a more thorough review. At this point, though, let me say that, if volume 2 is as good as volume 1, you can expect a glowing review!
Friday Links Roundup: Lack of Posts for Good Reasons Edition
I am truly sorry when the blog is not updated more regularly. This week, though, I have several good reasons why the number of posts has been, well, zero. First, I did not do the Lebanon Road Report because I didn’t get the “numbers” until late in the week. However, I hope to post some pictures of our church picnic that was held last Saturday soon. Then, my internet at home went down (and remains so). I usually try to post one or two articles early in the morning from home, but that was “out.” Then, Jeremiah’s surgery that was supposed to be next Tuesday was suddenly rescheduled for this…
Friday Links Roundup: Mother's Day '08 Edition
What a special holiday! I’m thankful to live in a nation that honors moms with a special holiday. It’s always fun to see people drive many miles just to worship with mom. It’s also funny to see how many restaurants are filled to overflowing on Mother’s Day! I’m thankful every day for my mother. God blessed me with the best. I’m also thankful every day that Mary Carol and Turner have the mom they have (and that I have her for my bride!). Leah is the best mom our two children could have. Make sure to take time to call, write, or visit mom on Mother’s Day. On to the…
Worth Your Time for Mother's Day
My dad sent me this video. It’s 3:15, and worth every second. Enjoy! By the way, you can add the William Tell Overture to the list of “Adam Likes That Song?” songs. Always has been one of my favorites…especially in all those Looney Tunes that used it. Remember those? Anyway, thanks mom for saying ALL those things a thousand times!!!
Mother's Day Comes Early
Mary Carol, now 2 1/2, loves to pray. That makes us so proud! At nearly every meal, we’ll say, “Let’s pray,” and she says, “Daddy, I pray.” Of course, after her 10-second prayer, she always says, “Daddy pray.” Then I lead our little family in a prayer. At supper last night, though, her brief petition brought tears to Leah’s eyes. While I don’t remember every word, here is basically what she placed before God’s throne: “God, Thank you food. Thank you mommy’s food. Thank you daddy’s food. Thank you Mary Carol’s food. Thank you for Turner’s food. Thank you for my mommy.Thank you for my daddy.Aaaaaa-men.” (She likes that part.)…
School's Almost Out
Some college students are finished with the Spring semester, while others are finishing very soon. High schools will be letting out over the next few weeks. Let those Summer activities begin! Those who work with young people have a great opportunity in the Summer. In fact, some say that youth ministers, interns and concerned adults do more in the Summer months (usually about 2 1/2 or 3 months) than the rest of the year total. While that might be a bit of an overstatement, the idea is basically true. So, what are some tips for those who will have all this time with young people? Here are a few random…
Friday Links Roundup: Enlighten Edition
We are in the middle of our whirlwind tour through America’s heartland. We finished the youth day at Central in Paducah, Kentucky, and the Gospel Meeting in Vienna, Illinois. This afternoon, we will head to Henderson, Kentucky, for their annual youth rally, “Enlighten.” It will be an honor to lead singing for the rally tonight and tomorrow. After that? Back to Nashville! We’ve loved spending time with family and seeing some old friends, but we are ready to get back to our house, and back to our church family at Lebanon Road. Here are the links for this week: 1. Kevin Beard gives us a very well-thought-out article dealing with…
Book Review: Minister's Manual for churches of Christ
This “manual” was a loving gift from the Lebanon Road church of Christ upon beginning our work there. Having just completed reading the book cover-to-cover, I can say it was a wonderful present. The book is a compilation of “helps” for several aspects of the preacher’s work. Readers will find beginning funeral sermons, wedding aids, outlines for special services, verses to help in specific times of need, and many other materials. In my opinion, the best parts of the book were:1. The section on funerals. Not only are there many beginner outlines, but the preacher will also find some general bits of information to help him in the days leading…
Gospel Meetings Can Still be Effective
Last night, I finished preaching in a Gospel Meeting in Vienna, Illinois. My family moved to Vienna when I was just 9 months old, and moved away when I was about to turn 8. While I didn’t remember everyone’s name, there were so many familiar faces, and it was good to see them. The Sunday before the meeting, Vienna had 39 in attendance. They advertised the meeting in the local paper and, of course, through word-of-mouth. Also, information was sent to local congregations. The result? Attendance was fantastic! On Sunday morning, 52 were present, with about that same number on Sunday evening. Wednesday night, there were about 40 present (I…