
“Greater Things” Thursday #39 : Church Library

Lebanon Road’s theme for 2011 is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things.


Nearly every congregation has one, though few keep them up. It is the church’s library. For some, the library is just a room that catches all the old stuff, whether it’s “library stuff” or not. It is nothing more than a glorified closet.

I’m glad to say that our library at Lebanon Road is used for books, videos, and recordings that are useful and helpful for our members. Our library is not large, certainly, but the volumes in it are carefully selected to be ones that will be of the most benefit.

Recently, we have made a clear effort to add even more helpful volumes when funds are available. For example, we have been building the Truth for Today commentary set to add to our quite large collection of commentaries. These are very helpful to many, including our teachers and those of us who work in the offices and need more study materials than we personally own.

Also, we have recently begun adding some audio recordings to the library. 20 CDs were purchased at Polishing the Pulpit and made available in our library for check-out. These are on a myriad of topics that we felt would be interesting to a variety of individuals and families.

A view from the door into the library


Where the "Truth for Today" commentaries are being added to just some of our other available commentaries

The library features a number of items for children, families, Bible textual study, and study on a variety of topics related to Scripture. I’m thankful that we have such a wide variety of items in what is a relatively small space.


For greater things to occur, our library just needs to be utilized more! I use it a ton, and am very thankful for many of the volumes that we have. A couple of our teachers utilize the tools in the library quite regularly, but it is not used much beyond that. I wish more of our members–especially our Bible class teachers–would come and see the variety of study aids that we have available to them, free of charge.

A huge thank you to those who keep the library up-to-date, especially Laura Grigsby!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.